What if … … we no longer associate descriptions of “blind, deaf, and lame” with people we perceive as failing to manifest spiritual wholeness and needing a specific healing? … we move beyond believing we already know what healing for others would look like? … our teaching examples began to embrace the language of changes …
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Re-CHARGE: a getaway weekend for self-care
Take time for yourself and glow from the inside out. This weekend is about you!! Kirkridge, a winter wonderland, nestled in the Poconos, will be a perfect place for you to rest, relax, and renew after a busy holiday season. Together, we’ll have optional activities including crafting and creating hobbies, cooking feel-good food, and cozying …
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Charging Language with Meaning
Limited to 10 participants. Ezra Pound wrote, “Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree.” Emily Dickinson wrote, “If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.” In this workshop, we will endeavor to “take off the top of our …
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Your Life as Story
Discover the life-changing potential of memoir writing in this weekend intensive designed to take both experienced writers and beginners deeper into their hearts and their pasts. A deeply spiritual act, writing creates distance from which understanding takes root, helping you to know yourself and examine how the events in your life have shaped you. Instructor …
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Twelve Steps for Everybody: An Invitation to Growth
The Twelve Steps have been a tool for millions of people recovering from alcoholism, addiction to drugs, food, gambling, sex, and others, as well as people whose lives have been touched by addicts and alcoholics. The 12-Step “movement” has been called the most important spiritual development of the past century. And yet, the Steps in …
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Spiritual Work with the Enneagram
This retreat offers the opportunity to apply the Enneagram to your spiritual work. We will use group instruction, individual and group processing, movement, and meditation to help work directly with your own Enneatype via the Enneagram Institute’s Levels of Development. The Levels provide us with deep insight into how our Enneatype functions and help us …
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Spiritual Practice of Singing
St. Athanasius of Alexandria believed that singing is essentially a spiritual discipline and an important practice in spiritual formation. Singing allows us to use the core elements out of which the world came into being and through which it is sustained: breath, tone, intentionality, and community. This retreat offers intensive spiritual work on the fundamentals …
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Cultivating Self-Care In Ministry Practice
One Cannot Give From An Empty Cup… Ministry is one of the most rewarding professions and calls to serve and also one of the most challenging! In this course we will explore self-care for the active minister with topics including self-awareness, healthy boundaries, emotional wellness, and healthy practices. How do we care well for ourselves …
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Parish Nursing: Meeting the Challenges of Church Wellness
This workshop will introduce participants to the role of the Parish Nurse (Faith Community Nurse) and how clergy and the Parish Nurses can work together to meet the increasing needs of an aging congregation and throughout the lifespan. Presenters: Rev. Dr. Mike Foley, Priest-in-Charge, and Sue Duncan, RN, Parish Nurse, from St. John’s Anglican Church …
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Easter at Kanuga
A special celebration of the feast of Christ’s resurrection For Easter 2020, we invite you to join us as we worship, reflect, and rejoice throughout the Easter weekend. Sunrise Service The Easter Feast is the highest and holiest celebration of the Church year as we commemorate the resurrection of our savior and redeemer Jesus Christ. …
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