“The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervener.” (William O’Brien) Is this true? If it is, it could be read to say, “The success of a church depends on the interior condition of its leadership.” How are we as leaders (whether paid or lay) – attending to our interior journeys …
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Are you travelling on the winding path of grief? The grief journey is a winding path with many twists and turns filled with a multitude of emotions. There is no road map and at times we feel we have lost our way. Grief is a process, an unending long and winding road. This retreat is …
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Loving and Respecting Yourself
Respecting and loving yourself does not make you conceited or self-centered. It is about achieving a deep sense of self-worth and self-love. It is about making the right decisions and taking the right steps when it comes to your life. This Workshop will guide you with tools on how to begin this process. We will …
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Mentored Ministry 2
PAST 4023 This course guides students in the formation of pastoral identity and in the development of ministry skills. This will be accomplished in class through the integration of theory and theology under the direction of the professor, and within a healthy local church or other approved ministry setting, under the mentorship of a pastor …
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Mentored Ministry 1
This course guides students in the formation of pastoral identity and in the development of ministry skills. This will be accomplished in class through the integration of theory and theology under the direction of the professor, and within a healthy local church under the mentorship of a pastor. Minimum of 240 in-ministry hours required. May …
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Introduction to Chaplaincy
CHAP 5023 An overview of the profession of chaplaincy, exploring the diversity that exists in this ministry. A variety of specialists will be involved in the course instruction through discipline-specific didactics, including prison chaplains, airport chaplains, military chaplains, university chaplains, and chaplains who are involved in the business, sport, and healthcare sectors. Students will be …
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Leading Change without Losing Your Soul
Transformational Leadership is absolutely dependent on the leader’s own ongoing transformation and ability to lead others into a process of shared transformation through ongoing learning and navigating loss. Course will be taught in person at VST, and via Zoom for distance students (certificate & degree students must connect synchronously)
The Mystery of Death
“Sit in your cell collecting your thoughts and remember the day of your death . . . ” To modern ears this advice from the early Christian desert father Evagrius sounds morbid; we instinctively shrink away from it. Contemporary Westerners live in the most death-denying culture ever seen in human civilization. But the still-smoldering pandemic …
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Change is Calling…Are you Ready?
The only thing that is constant in our lives is change and it will come whether we are ready for it or not. Change means altering our lives, creating a new routine, and doing things differently. Explore the various emotions associated with change and how to adjust and cope when change arrives. Learn how to …
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The Table, New Leaf Network National Event
We’ve been hearing from spiritual leaders and Jesus-followers all across Canada that they’re weary. For so many, the pandemic and the difficulties of this present moment in Canada have simply caused the reservoir to go dry. Pastors, planters, priests, and ministry leaders give so much of their time offering a meal to others, they often …
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