Keeping an Open Heart in Troubled Times Date: Wednesday, May 12th, 10am – 12pm (PT) Venue: Online via Zoom | Registration below A workshop with The Rev. Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger. This workshop will address the challenge of keeping your heart open with compassion while witnessing so much suffering in and around us. How do …
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Conversations that Inspire Change
Faculty: The Rev. Canons Chris Streeter and Dan Morrow Description: As we approach a full year living through the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are keenly aware of the heightened anxiety present in our lives and the lives of those we have been called to serve. Pastoral conversations increasingly include expressions of worry, anger, and …
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Hybrid Ministry in a Post-Pandemic Church
Whether you’re high-tech, low-tech, or no-tech whatsoever, it’s nearly impossible to miss the shift that’s taking place in our culture. Curiosity is on the rise. Participation is sparking creativity and connection. For the first time ever, digital technology is shaping our values. Our churches need the capacity and will to engage with a changing culture—one …
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Current ContEd Course List: Virginia Theological Seminary
This page should show all currently available courses
Small Group Ministry: Leadership Development for Facilitators. How to create and maintain small groups
Now more than ever, small groups are a cornerstone of the church. In the first few hundred years of the church, small groups were the way in which the church gathered and disciples were formed. People would meet in homes for fellowship, share how they connected scripture to their lives, and grow spiritually with one …
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Flourishing as the Canadian Church
What does it look like for congregations here in Canada to flourish? How do you identify transformation, define what it means for a community of faith and look for continued indicators of health and effectiveness? Using Canadian-based social science research from over 250 Canadian Catholic, mainline, and conservative Protestant congregations (including over 9100 congregants), the …
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Changing Church: Mission, Leadership, & Beloved Community
What does it mean to lead during a time of religious, sociocultural, and environmental upheaval? What can churches do differently to better reflect and nurture gospel values and God’s dream of a just, reconciled, Spirit-filled world? This course in missional leadership will ask these and related questions. We will explore concepts and experience practices of …
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Understanding Conflict Advanced
This workshop, uses the two lenses of conflict drivers and conflict paradoxes, and considers seemingly intractable conflicts and their transformation. Questions for consideration include the nature of intractability, de-escalation strategies, transforming intractable conflicts and engaging emotions. This workshop builds on Understanding Conflict: Foundations. It is highly interactive, insightful, engaging and critical for all those who wish …
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Transforming Power, Prejudice and Privilege: Building equitable, diverse and inclusive communities and organizations
Recognizing that our social structures and personal biases can get in the way of commitment to respecting our colleagues and community members, this interactive workshop will engage themes of prejudice, power and privilege in a manner that honours all voices in the room while also challenging the biases and structures that privilege some over others …
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Conflict Assessment: Preparing Parties for Mediation
This exciting workshop offered over four mornings, provides you with an in-depth opportunity to explore the issues and dynamics involved in working with conflicted parties prior to an intervention. You will discuss matters of screening and assessment and will work through a five-stage assessment model. This workshop is engaging, the role plays really are fun and those who …
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