Join racial justice and equity educators, The Revs. Carla Christopher Wilson and Kevin Barron, for a Lenten series on uncovering the practical aspects of our scriptural call to community activism. Too often we recognize God’s summons to love our neighbor but we fall short in knowing how to begin. Focusing on a deep dwelling in …
View course details “Journey to Jerusalem: Our Gospel Call to Racial Justice, A Lenten Series for All Parishes”
Engage Difference! Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry
(12-Week Online Course) As we emerge into a new context of living with COVID, the Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning is able to again offer the “Engage Difference! Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Leadership and Learning” program. Please note: Course instruction will be in English only.The course will be offered as an on-line program synchronous …
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Finding Our Way, following the north star to Racial Justice
This Advent series unites the journey towards justice of 2000 years ago with our pilgrimage towards racial justice today. The Rev. Carla Wilson and The Rev. Kevin Barron will shepherd us through four evenings of prayer, study, and dialogue focused on the principles of “Restorative Justice” frequently used as a path toward healing and reconciliation …
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Introduction to Social Enterprise
There has been growing interest in social enterprise as a vehicle to create social change while addressing the age-old question of sustainability. Beginning with an assessment of the emergence and history of the social entrepreneurship movement, this course will cover topics such as the for-profit and not-for-profit divide, the need for varied capital at different …
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Developmental Evaluation for Social Impact
Developmental Evaluation is an exciting approach to evaluation that enables social innovators, policy and program managers, and community leaders to design, monitor, and adapt social change initiatives in complex and uncertain environments. In this course, you will be introduced to Developmental Evaluation (DE) through an interactive learning approach that models adult learning principles. Using asynchronous …
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Building on Abundance in Indigenous Communities
Applications for this course are open to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit participants residing in Canada only. This five-week online course will introduce you to Indigenous principles and practices for community work that build upon strengths and assets for action. We offer you an open and safe space to learn from one another’s lived experiences …
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Advancing Women’s Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding for Community Development
This course is open to all self-identifying women It is designed to advance understandings of conflict, security, and peace for women’s leadership in a changing world. In this course, we explicitly emphasize women’s experiences, roles, knowledge, opportunities, and barriers in security, conflict transformation, and peace building –particularly in community and organizational spaces. Using a gender …
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White Too Long: Confronting the Theology and Practice of White Supremacy
This course is a probing and critical inquiry into the theology and practice of White Supremacy within American Christianity. We will explore the roots of that theology and practice in Christian history and reckon squarely with the legacy of the perspective of what Martin King, Jr. called the “White Moderate,” which is so prominent within …
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Transforming Power, Prejudice and Privilege: Building equitable, diverse and inclusive communities and organizations
This workshop is being delivered online Recognizing that our social structures and personal biases can get in the way of commitment to respecting our colleagues and community members, this interactive workshop will engage themes of prejudice, power and privilege in a manner that honours all voices in the room while also challenging the biases and …
View course details “Transforming Power, Prejudice and Privilege: Building equitable, diverse and inclusive communities and organizations”
Understanding, Exploring, & Managing Bias and Burnout: Via Webcast | A SELF-GUIDED COURSE
You like to be productive, so you’ve learned to stay busy. It’s nice to feel needed, so you never say “no.” Your job is to care for everyone, so you neglect your own well-being. Until you can’t. Burnout makes it hard to manage much of anything well, and that includes our built-in biases and default …
View course details “Understanding, Exploring, & Managing Bias and Burnout: Via Webcast | A SELF-GUIDED COURSE”