Canon, Communion, and Controversy: What We Can—And Should—Learn from the “Communion without Baptism” Debate

On October 9, 2023, CDSP will partner with the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California to host an event revisiting recent controversy about the role and relationship of sacraments in the Episcopal Church. In July 2022, the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, meeting in Baltimore, MD, considered a resolution put forward by the Episcopal Diocese of …
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The Art of Coaching Teams

What you will learn Can you honestly say you are meeting all the needs of your congregation? Is that even possible? The truth is that it doesn’t matter how motivated, dedicated, or organized you are, it’s still impossible to do everything yourself. And it’s critical to have others you can depend on. You need a …
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Pastoral Care

This course will provide a theological foundation to undergird practical theology courses at Regent.  With an awareness that the gospel must continually be contextualized and translated in culture, this course will offer a vision of church ministry that is theologically grounded in the essentials of the Trinitarian faith.  The primary premise of this course is …
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The Diaconate

The Diaconate is an online course for deacons, deacons in formation, and those wishing to be better grounded in a sound understanding of The Sacred Order of Deacons including especially, members of local discernment committees and members of Commissions on Ministry. The course will consider the history of the Order of Deacons—what is helpful and what is …
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