Films That Transform: In dialogue with others on the journey The goal of the Programs in Whole Person Care (WPC) is to create a focus for healing and whole person care at McGill. Part of our mandate is to contribute to education related to healing within the University, the wider academic community, and the general …
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Chaplaincy Training Programs
Chaplaincy Training Programs The Calgary Health Region – Acute Care Sector is accredited by the Canadian Association for Pastoral Practice and Education (CAPPE). The program is affiliated with St. Stephen’s College, Edmonton. Basic, Advanced and Supervisory levels of education are offered. Unique to this Regional Teaching Centre, programs are offered on all four Acute Care …
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Cook College & Theological School Winter Term
Cook College & Theological School Winter Term Winter Term is about Native American Christians, lay and ordained, coming together to help each other. It is a two-week event occurring every January on the Cook Campus. Addressing practical ministry, skilled instructors teach four subjects. Each course subject consists of ten classroom hours and is worth one …
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