Put more joy and more meaning into your life through self-awareness and self-esteem. A workshop for anyone who has gone through or is anticipating a major change in their life. We will explore how self-image is formed and affected across the lifespan, the components of self-esteem, the strengths which enable us to navigate change, the …
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Forgiveness: What is it and how to do it?
Have you experienced deep disappointment, hurt or betrayal in an important relationship? · Do you continue to suffer from a conflict or trauma that occurred long ago? · Are unresolved issues affecting your health, finances or relationships? This interactive workshop identifies the stumbling blocks to forgiveness, and then provides positive, practical methods to work through …
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Bi-Vocational Ministry: An Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Gigs, and Side Hustles
Sometimes the questions interrupt you in the middle of the day. Other times they keep you up at night. You wonder if you’re using all of your gifts or skills. Maybe you worry that you’ve plateaued. There’s a restlessness that’s hard to shake—a need to get unstuck, and now. For a growing number of faith …
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The Anger Iceberg Workshop
Getting Angry is only the tip of the Iceberg. Anger is a secondary emotion. Understanding the cause of anger is the first step to managing it. This Workshop will identify the causes of anger and explore our own beliefs and patterns of response. Learn how to respond to anger on a day-to-day basis in a …
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Surviving Separation and Divorce Workshop
Surviving separation and divorce is one of the worst experiences of our lives. The process involves intense emotions of grief, anger, sadness and deep hurts. Learn how to navigate these emotions and explore the stages involved in the healing process. Through personal sharing, receive support and reassurance that you are not alone and that others …
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Full List of Trinity Wall Street In-Person Retreats
With the hope that we will emerge from the pandemic later this year in a way that will allow us to gather in West Cornwall, we are taking registrations for in-person retreats starting in August 2021. The health and well-being of everyone—our guests and staff—is our highest priority. Guests will be required to be fully vaccinated or …
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Full List of Trinity Wall Street Online Retreats
These free weekend retreats offer a time to pray, reflect, make space for grace, and listen to the voice of God. Each retreat’s guide will encourage us to open our hearts to God through prayer. We encourage you to tune in during the weekend and mark additional time throughout the week following each retreat for …
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Living Wholeheartedly in These Uncertain Times: Virtual Circle of Trust ® Mini-Retreats
How might we live “whole” and “hearted” in these particular and uncertain times? Using metaphor from the natural world, poetry and passages from various wisdom traditions, music and the visual arts, and listening and sharing, we will spend time in quiet and community to explore the question, “How can I live wholeheartedly in these uncertain …
View course details “Living Wholeheartedly in These Uncertain Times: Virtual Circle of Trust ® Mini-Retreats”
Learning to Forgive: Virtual Workshop
FORGIVENESS: What is it and how do you do it? This Workshop identifies the stumbling blocks to forgiveness and provides practical methods to work through the anger, blame and resentment. Forgiveness is about letting go of the past, and understanding it in order to move on. Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts you can …
View course details “Learning to Forgive: Virtual Workshop”
Dialogue as Spiritual Practice by Christine Luna Munger
Join Christine Luna Munger for this four-part experiential, skill-based teaching series based on her work with Contemplative Dialogue. This workshop responds to folks’ desires to learn how to engage one another in civil dialogue; this workshop responds to the need for practical, concrete tools and postures which support meaningful engagement with others. Through a framework …
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