C.S. Lewis, John Robinson and Alec Vidler on Modern Theology, Supernatural Miracles and the Bible

C.S. Lewis, John Robinson and Alec Vidler on Modern Theology, Supernatural Miracles and the Bible 26th July – 28th July 2019 On Monday 11th May 1959, C. S. Lewis gave a talk on modern theology and biblical criticism in the Common Room of Wescott House, Cambridge in response to a sermon he read by the …
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Globalization and Migration: The Movement of God’s Word

W. Don McClure Lecture in World Mission and Evangelism Speaker Jehu J. Hanciles, D.W. and Ruth Brooks Associate Professor of World Christianity, Candler School of Theology, Emory University Date Oct. 2, 2018 11:30 a.m. Chapel Service. Scripture: Acts 6:1-7 4:00 p.m. Public Lecture: “Christian Unity and Witness in a New Age of Migration”  An ASL interpreter will be …
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Mary Jo Leddy Event

Mary Jo Leddy Nov. 12 -14, 2018 Mary Jo Leddy is a well-known author, activist, refugee advocate and Director of Romero House for Refugees in Toronto. She is also an Adjunct Professor at Regis College, University of Toronto, an international lecturer and frequent radio and TV commentator. Mary Jo will share reflections from her new …
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Debating Mission, Marriage, and the Eucharist in the Anglican Communion

4-day intensive in Montreal: Monday, January 28 to Thursday, January 31, 2019 Fifty years ago, Anglican worship centred on Morning Prayer, priests were male, marriages were only between a man and a woman, and the word mission was hardly used. In Anglican churches today, worship centres on the Eucharist, the church ordains women and men, …
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Prophetic Presence: What’s God and the Church’s Role in a Time of Profound Change?

July 9-13, 2018 – Week One   Prophetic Presence: What’s God and the Church’s Role in a Time of Profound Change? with Philip Clayton   For centuries Christians have affirmed the providence of God, the unique value of Jesus’ life and teachings, and the special status of the church. What does it mean to affirm …
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