Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry will be among the keynote speakers at the 36th annual conference of The CEEP Network, meeting digitally for the first time in 2021, according to Joe Swimmer, executive director. Other keynote speakers at the March 3-5, 2021 conference will include Dr. Catherine …
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Rediscovering Mission in the Midst of the Pandemic
The new normal is not normal at all. As the pandemic draws on, we are continually being challenged to reshape and reorder almost every part of our life – our social networks, work, relationships, and extra-curricular activities. Church is no different! How we do church now compared to how we used to do it has …
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Leading Beyond the Blizzard: Workshops for faith-based organizations
It is true that Faith-Based Organizations in Canada are facing an uncertain future. As we enter these uncharted territories, it is becoming more and more evident that we need to draw from our collective wisdom to meet the challenges at hand. We hope that this series of workshops will help gather FBOs, create space to …
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TryTank presents: Leadership Skills for the Next Ten Years
For almost 20 years, beginning just after 9/11, futurist Bob Johansen has been wrestling with the question of leadership profiles that will be required to thrive in the VUCA World (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous). He wrote a trilogy of books that share the profile he’s convinced will work to help us get ready for …
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Pádraig Ó Tuama: Poetry and prayer in times of conflict
Lessons from an Irish Poet and Peacemaker Pádraig Ó Tuama, world-renowned poet, theologian and host of the Poetry Unbound segment of Krista Tippet’s award winning initiative On Being, will read selected works on conflict, peacemaking and reconciliation followed by Q&A. View online or in person at Tellus 360 in downtown Lancaster. Ticket and viewing options available for all or part …
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Sacred Art: God at the Gallery
Throughout the ages, Christian art served the twofold objective of paying homage to God whilst serving as a didactic illustration for the population. These illuminating sessions will introduce participants to how different artistic traditions from countries such as Spain, Italy and Flanders have depicted the most significant events in the Bible. Formidable traditions governed the …
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Social (In)Justice with Pádraig Ó Tuama
In today’s world—with today’s concerns and injustices—what does it mean for a faith community to hold fast to a practice, belief, and value of social justice? During this online retreat we will look at contemporary poems and stories, biblical texts, and examples of individuals who are trying—inspired by their faith, their pain, and their hope—to …
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Highlighting Sin as Seen Through the Lens of Race–2020 Schaff Memorial Lectures
A Three-Part Webinar Series Overview Dr. Sarah Coakley, Norris-Hulse Professor Emerita at Cambridge University, will present the annual Schaff Lectures during a three-evening webinar series Nov. 10-12, 2020. Each evening of the series, Dr. Coakley will offer one presentation with interactive time afterward with those attending. In her three presentations, Dr. Coakley will address race/’racism …
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Psalms in Interpretation–Online
Instructor: Daniel Driver Dates: January 13th – April 12th, 2021 Fee: $250.00 (Continuing Education participants) Format: TBD The Psalms have a special place in the life of the synagogue and church. Thus a major goal of this program is to see how the Psalter has fed and informed Jewish and Christian faith in various periods: …
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Women in the Christian Tradition – Online
Designation: CHUR 4033 This seminar course will explore the biblical, theological, and historical understandings of women in the Christian tradition. It will emphasize womens lived religious experiences, female leaders, and changing views of womens roles throughout Christian history. Students will read both primary and secondary source texts related to women from throughout Christian history. Recommended …
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