Changing Church: Missional Practices and/for Beloved Community

What does it mean to lead during a time of religious, sociocultural, and environmental upheaval? What can churches do differently to reflect and nurture gospel values and God’s dream of a just, reconciled, Spirit-filled world? This course will use the vision and concepts of Beloved Community to interrogate our approach to mission. Participants will articulate …
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Christianity and Politics: Traditions and Current Values

In many societies, Christians are deeply divided by political allegiances. The stakes seem so high and biblical teaching about government so clear and urgent that agreement on politics has become, for many, a test of faith. Take a step back from current events to examine three robust traditions of Christianity and politics—Roman Catholic, Reformed (Calvinist), …
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Racial Justice and Radical Hospitality: A Biblical Approach

Explore hope and expose weakness in the church’s vocation to share God’s radical hospitality to all nations. Gain insight into biblical, practical ways that churches can practice racial justice in their congregation and community. Wrestle with the sin of racism and xenophobia, deal with its past and present reality in our churches, and push on …
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Pastoral Ethics: Biblical Ethics for a Global Church

Learn to lead and pastor in response to the ethical issues that face today’s global church. Explore a biblical ethic of kinship, discerning Scripture’s invitation to live in loving solidarity with one another. Discern how this ethic can shape communities today, moving from church to neighbourhood, city, nation, and world. Together we’ll examine biblical ethics …
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Courses for Spring and Summer Sessions, 2022

This page has a full listing of all the courses Regent is offering during their Spring and Summer Sessions. All are expected to be available online, unless there is a travel component. The ones that are of particular interest for Continuing Education are also listed in this database.


Sharing Stories of Serving Christ and the Community in a variety of ways. Join in a 3-week Zoom series to hear how several people discovered their gifts and deep joy in serving their neighbourhoods. RUNS: 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. · Jan. 24: Children’s & Multi-Generational Ministry – Maxine Simpkin, St. John the Evangelist, Middle …
View course details “DISCOVER YOUR JOY Zoom Series”

Retreat: Intro to Sacred music of the Abrahamic faiths for Resilience and Soothing Uncertainty

Experience introspective and ecstatic practices of three ancient spiritual paths: Kabbalistic-Judaism, Early Contemplative Christianity and Sufi-Islam. This unique experiential seminar will journey deep into sacred music chanting, and spiritual mindfulness practices, drawing from the hidden wisdom of the traditions of the Near East. These practices result in heart opening, increased compassion, deepening of inner explorations, …
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Embodied Discipleship in a World That Has Gone Virtual

As Christians and congregations are both racing to find new rhythms of life and worship during this pandemic, essential aspects of discipleship and corporate worship are surfacing. At the congregational level, church leaders are working hard to find ways of serving their communities amidst an enormous and unexpected decentralization and digitization of church gatherings. In …
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Religions and Ecology: Restoring the Earth Community

Enroll in these free courses from Yale University and Coursera to understand the ecological teachings and practices of religious traditions across the planet. These Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) explore the ecological dimensions of the world’s religions. Developed over the course of several years, they draw on a rich variety of lectures, videos, readings, and …
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