What We Believe: Theology in the Anglican Tradition

It has become rather commonplace to suppose that Anglican Christians care mostly about liturgy and not very much about theology. That’s not true! Anglican traditions exhibit a rich and diverse history of theological reflection. Anglicans have always insisted that that how Christians think and talk about God makes a critical difference in what Christians believe. …
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Christianity and Politics: Traditions and Current Values

In many societies, Christians are deeply divided by political allegiances. The stakes seem so high and biblical teaching about government so clear and urgent that agreement on politics has become, for many, a test of faith. Take a step back from current events to examine three robust traditions of Christianity and politics—Roman Catholic, Reformed (Calvinist), …
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Anglican History & Theology

Modern Anglican identity is the product of a fascinating, oft-neglected history. Meet the people and explore the events—from early roots right up to the recent GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference) movement—that have shaped the Anglican Church. Examine the core convictions, contentions, and concerns that have contributed to its theology, and read works from a variety …
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Courses for Spring and Summer Sessions, 2022

This page has a full listing of all the courses Regent is offering during their Spring and Summer Sessions. All are expected to be available online, unless there is a travel component. The ones that are of particular interest for Continuing Education are also listed in this database.

Religions and Ecology: Restoring the Earth Community

Enroll in these free courses from Yale University and Coursera to understand the ecological teachings and practices of religious traditions across the planet. These Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) explore the ecological dimensions of the world’s religions. Developed over the course of several years, they draw on a rich variety of lectures, videos, readings, and …
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Galatians: Rhetoric, Ethics, Christology, Social Consequences?

A course on Paul’s letter to the Galatians with attention to context (Asia Minor); (heated) rhetoric; ethics, and Christology, especially Gal 3:26-28, “in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, nor male and female.” What social implications might we infer from such issues amongst first century Jesus followers, and how might …
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