Canadian Society of Biblical Studies 2018 Annual Meeting

Canadian Society of Biblical Studies 2018 Annual Meeting   The CSBS/SCÉB 2018 Annual Meeting will be held May 26-28, 2018 at the University of Regina, Regina, SK in association with the 2018 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences   For more information please visit the website.

Lenten Quiet Day

Lenten Quiet Day Lenten Quiet Day for Associates, Oblates and Friends Discipleship in Mark: a Lenten path Saturday, February 17, 2018 It is reported that on his way to Rome to be martyred, Ignatius said, ‘Now I am beginning to be a disciple.’ All of our Lenten self-improvement disciplines miss the point if they do …
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Retreat: The Gospel of Ruth

Guided Retreat: The Gospel of Ruth Friday–Sunday, February 2-4, 2018 The book of Ruth is a literary masterpiece named after a hard-working Moabite widow who models covenant faithfulness (hesed) for the people of God of every generation. It is a short book of only four chapters; 55 of its 85 verses involve conversations that provide …
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Footsteps of Jesus

T18 Footsteps of Jesus December 7 – 16, 2018 $2,450 The Footsteps of Jesus is a new course for 2017 that will allow the pilgrim to follow the journey that Jesus’ first disciples made through the Holy Land. Its focus is more devotional than the longer Palestine of Jesus course, while still covering all the …
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Palestine of Jesus

 S18 Palestine of Jesus November 19 – December 3, 2018 $3,430  “The Palestine of Jesus course combines biblical and historical studies with pilgrimage to selected sites connected with Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection.”

Palestine of Jesus

Q18 Palestine of Jesus October 16 – 29, 2018 $3,430     “The Palestine of Jesus course combines biblical and historical studies with pilgrimage to selected sites connected with Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection.”