Intermediate Hellenistic Greek I: Readings in the Gospels and Paul

WYB2521H Summary: This course provides practice in reading and exegesis of the New Testament in Greek. It follows upon Elementary New Testament Greek (or one year of Greek) and presumes a basic knowledge of Greek. The aim is to increase the student’s proficiency in Greek through regular translation and analysis of the New Testament texts, …
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Elementary New Testament Greek

WYB1513Y Summary: Basic New Testament Greek grammar. During the first semester, students work through a large portion of the textbook, which introduces basic grammatical and syntactical elements of the language. In the second semester students complete the introductory grammar textbook, and begin reading in the Greek New Testament. Additional Notes: Additional Evaluation: periodic tests, final …
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Accessing Hebrew and Greek Text without Knowing the Languages

WYB1101H Summary: This course will provide students with knowledge of, access to, and practice at using original language tools and resources that come in both hardcopy and electronic forms. Students will start by learning the Greek and Hebrew alphabets, including the convention of identifying Hebrew vowels. The course will follow with instruction on the meaning …
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Biblical Language Tools

Code: BIBL500 Dates: September 14, 2020 – December 4, 2020 on Wednesdays Time: 9:00 am for 3 hours This course is designed to introduce Koiné Greek (NT) and Biblical Hebrew (HB) for students who have no background in biblical languages and who will need language tools to accomplish exegesis. The course includes a basic introduction …
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