Diploma in Theological Studies (fully online)

August 31, 2020 - December 31, 2025
660 Francklyn Street
HalifaxNSB3H 3B5

This Diploma provides an introduction to theological studies for anyone who is curious about the field and would like to broaden their knowledge. It is offered entirely via internet, and has a total of four components. It is an ideal program if you are interested in theology but do not want to pursue a degree program.

DTS Program Structure

The four components of the Diploma in Theological Studies are offered exclusively online using Brightspace, a comprehensive education technology platform. You will need an up to date computer and reliable internet access to participate.

The four program components are as follows:

  • Introduction to the Christian Scriptures: Using critical methods of biblical study, this component will introduce you to the Gospels and the letters of Paul.
  • Introduction to Christian Theology: The purpose of this component is to introduce you to the major themes in the Christian theological tradition.
  • Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures: This component uses critical methods of biblical study to familiarize you with the Pentateuch and the Prophetic Literature.
  • Introduction to Pastoral Ministry: This component will introduce you to major themes in the practice of Christian ministry.

    In 2020-2021, the following components will be offered:

    Fall 2020: Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures

    Winter 2021: Introduction to Pastoral Ministry


    Admission Process
    To apply to the Diploma in Theological Studies program, please complete the application form found on the applications page and submit it to the Academic Office with the appropriate fee.

    Diploma Program Fees
    Application fee for the Diploma program is $50.00.
    Tuition for each Diploma program component is $481.00
    Related books and resource materials will cost approximately $60.00 per component.


    For more information

    Please contact AST’s Recruitment and Vocations Coordinator: [email protected]

Categories: Biblical Languages  |  Pastoral Ministry  |  Programs  |  Theology