The Book of Exodus is one of the most significant and influential works in human history. Exodus tells the story of God’s liberation of God’s people from slavery in Egypt and their formation of a new community in the wilderness. The stories it tells are famous and influential—the plagues of Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, manna in the wilderness, the giving of the 10 Commandments, and much more. Exodus has challenged and inspired those who have read it in the millennia since it was written.
This 90-minute free online webinar provides a foundation for students to read Exodus for themselves by offering an overview of its content, key themes, and how it has been read through history. Join us to learn about Exodus and then read it yourself throughout the season of Epiphany as part of the Good Book Club to come to a deeper appreciation of the text and be challenged and inspired anew by God’s liberating action in the world.

Instructor: The Rev. Dr. Jesse Zink is principal of Montreal Diocesan Theological College and the author of several books about Christian faith in the 21st century, including A Faith for the Future.
The Good Book Club is an invitation to the church to read the book of Exodus in January and February 2021. Resources and a reading guide are available online. All you need to participate is a Bible. More information is online at