Gospel of Luke

January 10, 2022 - January 14, 2022
Jan 10-14, 2022. Times unknown
3-credit course: $1,120; auditing: $560; see https://stu.usask.ca/emmanuel/register/college-fees.php for details


The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to one of the earliest written documents concerning the life and ministry of Jesus. Through a careful reading of the Gospel, the student will gain a knowledge of its content as well as the context in which it was written. The student will examine a number of cultural and historical factors that contributed to the content of Luke’s Gospel such as: The Roman Imperial Cult, the rise of Greek culture in Palestine, the invasion of the Roman Empire, various religious sects in 1st-century Palestine, cultural subjugation, and systems of power in the ancient world. The student will also be exposed to a number of theories of genre, methods of interpretation, and learn to answer various questions concerning differences in Gospel accounts.emanu