The Art of Transitional Ministry, Part 1: Reconciliation in God’s New World

February 11, 2021 - March 25, 2021
Synchronous online meetings: Thursdays, Feb. 11, 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, and 25, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.. A detailed schedule will be distributed during the first session.



We know that all ministry is transitional; doing ministry during a pandemic underscores that every day. Our times have brought trauma, cultivated resilience, and shown us both the possibilities and the challenges of living in liminal time. In response to the pandemic, we have brought the church and transitional ministry education online. In this offering of The Art of Transitional Ministry Part 1, we will explore the unique dynamics of congregations in transition, using the particular lens of our current context. We seek to equip pastors with knowledge, analytical skills, and practical approaches needed to see these transitions as possibilities and not insurmountable challenges.


Our basic education program is designed to engage you in a framework for leading in these times of unprecedented transition. Part 1 is designed for persons curious about reflecting on practice, those engaged in transitional / interim ministry, clergy who are considering ministry in transitional settings, and members of Presbytery staffs, Committees on Ministry, and comparable representatives from denominations beyond the PC(USA).


We believe ministry in transition should be intentional as well as improvisational and nimble. Experiencing this course will give you a helpful scaffolding for serving congregations in transition and will hone your skills in thinking about ministry in change.


All sessions will be held online via Zoom. We will send you a Zoom link for all seven gatherings of face-to-face time on Thursdays, and a link to the class portal where we provide assigned video and documents for you to view over the period of the course. We will cultivate community in small groups.

The Transitional Ministry Basic Education program is designed to the meet the guidelines of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). This program includes weekly contact hours via Zoom, weekly preparation time, and at least one additional Zoom session to be scheduled for small group work. We expect participants to:

  • attend all scheduled sessions,
  • complete the assigned work in preparation for the class, and
  • finish work assigned during the seven weeks.

Please note that you will not be able to carry on a normal work schedule on Thursdays during the seven weeks of the course.  Arrangements should be made in advance for coverage of pastoral responsibilities. Attendance for all contact hours is necessary to receive a certificate of completion.

We recommend you give yourself personal gathering time prior to class and time for reflection after class. Three hours on Zoom often makes us tired, and we want you to make space for reflective self-care.


Pam Peterson, Transitional Pastor to multiple churches and judicatories (UCC)

Erin Jones, Pastor, Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Jan Nolting Carter, Transitional Pastor to multiple churches and judicatories, PC(USA)

Paul Rhebergen, Transitional Pastor to multiple churches and judicatories, PC(USA)