Biblical Language Tools

September 14, 2020 - December 4, 2020
6015 Walter Gage Road
The University of British Columbia
VancouverBCV6T 1Z1

Code: BIBL500

Dates: September 14, 2020 – December 4, 2020 on Wednesdays

Time: 9:00 am for 3 hours

This course is designed to introduce Koiné Greek (NT) and Biblical Hebrew (HB) for students who have no background in biblical languages and who will need language tools to accomplish exegesis. The course includes a basic introduction to each language, emphasizing understanding the basic elements of a sentence to be able to analyze how a sentence creates meaning. The use of language resources and tools will be covered so that a student will be able to use these tools in doing exegesis in both languages. Six weeks of classes will be spent on each language, culminating in an exam for each language. A demonstration of Bible software will be included.

Available by Distance
Synchronous only

Categories: Biblical Languages  |  Church History  |  Courses