Finding Peace and Freedom in the Holy Process of Forgiveness

April 11, 2018
Offered by Luther Seminary
St. Paul MN

Apr. 11, 2018

Congregational Care

Because messing up is a part of the human condition, forgiveness is an ongoing concern in our lives and in the lives of the people we serve. Forgiving, along with not forgiving, has a very powerful impact, and even takes on added importance as we age. When we begin to realize that we don’t have as much time left, we often feel an inherent urge to put our lives in order. There is a growing desire to release our burdens in our preparation to meet God with peace in our hearts. Forgiveness can be deeply rewarding as it heals emotional and spiritual distress and alleviates physical symptoms. This course is offered through a partnership with Sage-ing International.

Objectives of the course are:

    • To discuss how scripture calls us to forgive
    • To identify what forgiveness is and what it is not
    • To understand what role the brain plays
    • To look at the scientific and spiritual benefits of forgiveness
    • To explore what the steps are in the holy process of forgiveness
    • To learn how forgiveness can be a way of life and not a onetime response to a crisis

Lunch is included

Tuition: $125

Contact Hours: 6.5

Class Times:

9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Seminar Leaders:

Rosemary Cox, M.S. Counseling, Certified Sage-ing Leader and Sage-ing International’s Education Coordinator, 2012 recipient of Sage-ing’s Reb Zalman Leadership Award.

Roger Cox, Certified Sage-ing Leader for 18 years, is a retired elementary school teacher. He developed the Grandbuddy program, partnering older adults with youth for learning adventures. In 2012 he was a recipient of the American Society on Aging’s Mind Alert Award.

Registration Information