Preached Retreat: That MARTIN Family

July 2, 2017 - July 7, 2017
Niagara Falls

Preached Retreat:

That MARTIN Family


Led by Fr. Jay Comerford, O. Carm. and Fr. Chris Kulig, O. Carm.


July 2-7, 2017 (Sunday check in before 5:30 PM Supper and departure Friday after lunch)

Cost:  $625

That MARTIN Family: An exploration of the spirituality of the family of St. Therese of Lisieux.  Her parents, SS. Louis & Zelie; Therese and her sister, Leonie, a Visitation Nun.


The retreat will be enhanced with daily Eucharist, quiet times and daily prayer and reflection activities.

Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction