Creating Spaciousness Sabbath Time Practice for Faith Community Leaders

October 23, 2017 - October 28, 2017

Creating Spaciousness Sabbath Time Practice for Faith Community Leaders

Workshop ID:
Dates: October 23October 28
Price: $585.00$1,165.00

Doing ministry from our hearts requires a slowing of time; timeless stillness benefits us with gifts only the heart knows.  The pace of modern life drains away this unhurried time. Without Sabbath Time, we unintentionally agree to create and maintain a world without time to learn and grow in love, trust, community, wisdom, generosity, courage, beauty and honesty.

For today’s congregations, learning to honor Sabbath Time is a first step—but only a first step—in imagining a compassionate, just, and open church for the future. Sabbath, understood Biblically is an intentional gift from the Creator for the wellness and well-being of the human family.

Increasingly in a fast-paced, production-oriented, high-stressed culture, Sabbath is a restorative antidote to busy-ness and burn-out. Sabbath Time celebrates necessary, sacramental rhythms. Light and dark, work and rest, action and contemplation, giving and receiving – these rhythms all serve the necessity of dormancy, in our lives.

Drink from the deep nourishment of Sabbath Time, through teachings, practices, silence and ritual, woven together so you can reclaim, throughout the year, the Sabbath Time your heart craves. In company with others, you and your church leaders will find ways to create a slower, more authentic, gently human world for all.

This course is the first in a two-year series at Ghost Ranch, to invite and equip congregations for ministry in a new time. Watch for more information early
in 2017.


Wayne Muller

Wayne Muller is an executive leadership mentor, therapist, minister, community advocate, consultant, public speaker, and bestselling author of several books. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, he has spent the last thirty-five years working with people suffering abuse, alcoholism, poverty, illness and loss.

Wayne works with a few select, committed individuals and small groups as a private mentor, helping those facing change or transition in their life or work, and helping clarify their inner sense of meaning and purpose. Wayne shares his time, care and attention to find together any emerging threads that can guide them safely to their new, evolving destiny.

In addition to collaborating with individuals in significant life changes, Wayne consults with numerous community organizations, educational institutions and healthcare corporations. He is the founder of Bread for the Journey – a network of ordinary people who engage in grassroots, neighborhood philanthropy through micro-grants. He has served as Senior Scholar at the Fetzer Institute, is an Extended Faculty at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and has received numerous awards for his work with those in need.

Wayne is available as a keynote speaker for particular organizations and corporations seeking to deepen, support and clarify their work and mission. Wayne lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.