And yet, the Spirit is alive and at work in all of our encounters.
In this retreat, we will explore practices to increase our:
* attentive presence to God’s Spirit in the midst of the array of conversations in which we participate;
* receptive presence to those we encounter so that we may more fully “welcome all persons as Christ”;
* compassionate presence in our daily lives, especially in the communities in which we live and work.
This retreat is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to cultivate a more contemplative way of being in conversation. During our time together, we will reflect upon the wisdom to be found in Scripture, poetry, and within our hearts. The retreat will consist of brief presentations, contemplative conversations, personal and communal reflection.
Please join us.
Program Cost: $410 (tuition, meals & accommodation)
Local Price: $330 (without overnight)
We strive to make our programs as accessible as possible.
Please contact our Registrar to inquire about a bursary or payment plan.
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.
Diane Millis
Diane Millis, PhD, is an educator, spiritual director, and author of Conversation–the Sacred Art: Practicing Presence in an Age of Distraction (SkyLight Paths Publishing, 2013). Her second book, Deepening Engagement: Essential Wisdom for Listening and Leading with Meaning, Purpose and Joy (SkyLight Paths Publishing) will be released in April 2015.
Diane brings over twenty years of teaching experience in public and church-related colleges and universities, including the University of Minnesota, Normandale Community College, Saint Catherine University, and the College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University. She currently serves as the founding director of the Journey Conversations Project, working with educational, pastoral, health care and business leaders to design and facilitate conversations for relationship building and spiritual growth. She is the producer of Lives Explored, a video narrative series featuring persons from all walks of life reflecting upon their callings, for the Collegeville Institute Seminars on Vocation (MN). She lives with her family in Minneapolis.
Shawn Redden
Shawn Redden is a Program Resource Group facilitator, serving as an ordained minister at St. Paul’s United Church, Sussex, NB. Her passion is spiritual formation programming for adults, youth and children at the congregational level, and she especially enjoys retreat leadership and small group ministry. Shawn is a Godly Play® trainer and storyteller, a curriculum of spiritual practice exploring the Sacred with children, and an alumni of the Atlantic Jubilee program for Spiritual Deepening and Guidance.