Young Adult Contemplative Retreat

September 12, 2014 - September 14, 2014
West Park NY

Young Adult Contemplative Retreat

Friday, September 12 – Sunday, September 14
:: Led by Corey Krupowicz and Br. James Michael Dowd

This retreat is an opportunity for young adults to experience Contemplative Prayer. The Contemplative young adult retreat will offer an introduction into different techniques of prayer that we can practice in order to deepen our relationship with the Divine. Through the practices of Silence, Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina and the Divine Hours we will learn how to bring the ancient practices of contemplative prayer into our lives in a deeper way as young adults in this modern age.

Corey Krupowicz has been a practitioner of silent prayer for the last 15 years. He appreciates the importance in cultivating a contemplative path. At 34 years old, Corey is a member of the Episcopal Church, and an Associate of Holy Cross Monastery in West Park, NY. Corey is active within the Contemplative Outreach Young Adult advisory group, and will be completing his presenters training within the coming year in order to help young adults gain access to Contemplative prayer.

Brother James is the Guest Master at Holy Cross Monastery and has been practicing Centering Prayer and lectio divina for more than thirty years.

Cost: $215, deposit: $80

Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction