July Wisdom School: Alpha Christianity and the Wisdom of Ya’akov

July 13, 2014 - July 19, 2014
Collegeville MN


Sunday, July 13 — Saturday, July 19

July Wisdom School: Alpha Christianity and the Wisdom of Ya’akov

Led by Lynn Bauman and Ward Bauman


The first mode of Christianity was an original, alpha form—based in the Jewish tradition. Later a beta Christianity, its Hellenic, Gentile form, took precedence and became Christian orthodoxy. Today we are able to recover more fully the original form of Jewish-Christian wisdom that was expressed through Yeshua’s brother, Ya’akov. The Letter of James is the one remaining document speaking clearly from the original insights of Jewish Christianity. We will explore the long, beautiful history of Jewish mystical tradition, and seek to recover something of the wisdom of Alpha Christianity in both theory and practice. A new translation of the Letter of James is available and will form an important part of our wisdom work for this weeklong contemplative retreat.

To register with a deposit or pay in full, click here.