“Praise precedes faith. First we sing, then we believe.” – Rabbi Abraham Heschel
In this workshop, Bryan Moyer Suderman will share his passion for writing scripturally-based “songs of faith for small and tall” that inspire people of all ages to sing and to join in God’s great project of peace, justice, reconciliation, healing and hope. The workshop will explore some of the characteristics and techniques of that music, inviting further reflection and discussion about music and worship in the church.
Our image of God is significantly shaped by the songs we sing as children. What we sing as children stays with us throughout our lives, and is a lasting and significant part of faith formation. And so, this workshop will have a particular focus on the significance of what we sing and how we sing with children, as part of the intergenerational community of faith.
Oh, yeah, and we’ll sing!
Program Cost: $220 ($140 tuition+$80 meals/accommodations)
Local Price: $173 (program cost without overnight, without breakfast)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program
Bryan Moyer Suderman
Bryan Moyer Suderman has a gift for writing songs for all ages that are at once simple, catchy, profound, and fun – songs that are deeply scriptural, musically memorable, and readily sing-able. Bryan has released 6 CDs of his original “Songs of Faith for Small and Tall,” and tours regularly, usually by train, singing and leading worship in congregational and conference settings around North America. Bryan is a former youth pastor, teacher, and overseas mission worker, and “SmallTall Music” has been his “flexible full-time” ministry vocation since 2003.
Robyn Brown-Hewitt
Rev. Robyn Brown-Hewitt, Program Resource Group (PRG) facilitator and Faith & Spirituality Program Coordinator at Tatamagouche Centre. She is also the Director of the Youth Ministry Diploma Programat AST. She is enjoying a rebirthing stage in ministry and brings a lifetime of commitment to women’s circles within and without the church.