Retirement: Living with the spirit of Adventure

October 23, 2016 - October 25, 2016
Puslinch ON

Retirement:  Living with the spirit of Adventure

October 23rd – 25th, 2016

Cost:  $250.00 per person ($450.00 per couple)

Retirement is part of our lives that we approach with two sets of emotions.

There is a great sense of anticipation coupled with ideas of freedom, enjoyment of things that we have been too busy to do and expectation that downtime has finally arrived.  There is, however, a set of emotions that reflect a different dynamic.  Our occupation and work has been a great part of our identity.  With retirement we leave much of that behind to establish a new identity that has a sense of meaning and purpose in our new reality.

The recreational dimension of retirement lasts for a short while and we begin to ask questions about our meaning and purpose in life and how we now contribute to the world.


We will explore:

  • How we can enjoy all the freedom of retirement while still having a sense of purpose in our lives.
  • How does this transition in life differ from other moments of change that make this period of life so challenging?
  • How can these days really be ‘ther best days of our lives”?

Join us as we enter these golden times!


Speaker:         Rev. Dr. Andrew Irvine

Andrew has been ordained to ministry for over 30 years following a career in social work.  He has served churches in Nova Scotia and Scotland.  For over 25 years he has taught in theological education at Acadia University, McMaster and now at Knox College, Toronto.

Andrew has been involved in conferences and has served as a consultant with clergy, churches and denominations across Canada, the USA and Scotland.  Andrew and his wife Suzanne live in Caledonia Ontario.  They have three adult children and eight grandchildren all living in Southwestern Ontario.


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