Beyond Question: Lenten Preaching and Worship Workshop

January 14, 2013 - January 16, 2013
Offered by Luther Seminary
St. Paul MN


January 14-16, 2013

In this intensive interactive two day workshop, participants will use the Book of Faith Lenten Journey: Beyond Question, to plan worship, preaching, songs and hymns, and creative ideas and images for a Lenten Sunday or Wednesday worship series.  Led by Beyond Question’s author, the series will focus on Jesus’ use of questions as a methodology for deepening discipleship, and will lead to planning a transformative personal journey through Lent.
Lent comes early in 2013!  Join together with other highly motivated and creative participants.  You will leave this two day seminar with:
  • 60 page notebook with texts, preaching helps and ideas, worship plans, songs and hymns, and your own notes  to augment each week’s theme.
  • A Beyond Question Facebook group made up of people in this seminar to continue networking and sharing ideas through Lent for preaching and worship planning, with active participation by Eric Burtness.
  • A full Lent Sermon Series with texts, preaching targets and sermon titles for your February newsletter!


Register Online Now!

Dates: January 14-16, 2013

Seminar Leader: Eric Burtness is the Lead Pastor at Zion Lutheran Church in Redmond, Oregon.  He has pastored both large and small congregations in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Oregon.  He is the author of Leading On  Purpose (Lutheran Voices, 2004), A Life Worth Leading (Lutheran Voices, 2006), and Book of Faith Lenten Journey: Beyond Question (Augsburg Fortress, 2012).

Tuition: $150

Contact Hours: 12

Class Times:
Begins Monday at 1:00p.m. and ends Wednesday at 11:00a.m.

Categories: Liturgy  |  Preaching  |  Workshops