Unique to this Community of Writers retreat, you also have the option of reading your work for feedback in the evenings, when facilitators Gwen Davies and Chris Benjamin will guide you in giving and receiving feedback, drawing on their experience in writing and teaching fiction, literary non-fiction, and memoir.Check this site for updates on the Young Adult Writing Scholarship.
Program Cost: $580 ($180 tuition + $400.00 meals/single room accommodations)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.
Chris Benjamin
Chris Benjamin is author of Eco-Innovators: Sustainability in Atlantic Canada, winner of the Best Atlantic-Published Book Award and finalist for the Richardson Non-Fiction Prize, and the novel, Drive-by Saviours. Chris’ creative work has been published by VoicePrint Canada, Descant, Arts East, Third Person Press, Nashwaak Review, Pottersfield Press, Rattling Books, The Society and The Coast.
Visit www.chrisbenjaminwriting.com
Gwen Davies
Gwen Davies is a writer and creative writing teacher and the founder of Nova Scotia’s summer writing retreat Community of Writers. Her work has appeared recently in Apogee Magazine and Salt Lines anthology. She has also worked as a plain language consultant since 1990 and is an active member of the Writing Community.