August 20-24, 2012
Story is the heart of language. It can emotionally move us to love and hate and can motivate us to change our whole lives. We can capture a story in a novel, a memoir, a screenplay, a poem. But, finally, we make choices about what story to write and what medium to give it expression…one that compels us to keep on writing, a story that may help to lay the framework for a new world.
In this Writer in Residence program you are invited to bring to this gathering of writers your passion for writing and to deepen your own love of reading and writing. You are invited to bring a work-in-progress with you – fiction, non-fiction or poetry. We will explore why we write, what pulls us into the writing, how to structure and organize a work in progress. Topics of interest to writers will be explored and work will be critiqued and appreciated. There will be time to walk, rest and to imagine.
Leadership: Ray McGinnis has taught poetry and journal-writing workshops to over 8,000 participants across North America for the past ten years. He is author of Writing the Sacred: A Psalm-inspired Path to Appreciating and Writing Sacred Poetry, now in it\’s second printing. He has published over a dozen poems including in Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine, Montreal Serai, and in a series of chapbooks edited by Patrick Lane and published by Leaf Press. His articles have been featured in Presence: A Journal for Spiritual Directors. He lives in Vancouver.
This program is being offered as a part of our Week of Creativity where four arts-based programs are being held at the same time. Our days will be framed by gathering in community with those from the other arts programs for reflection and worship. On Thursday evening we will gather for a \’Summer Celebration\’ where the general public is invited to share in the creative work that has unfolded during the week.