Women in the Holy Land

November 20, 2013 - November 29, 2013

November 20 – November 29, 2013


10 days

What is written in Scriptures about women?

The differences between various streams of theology and philosophy are not a result of what is written but from “How do you read it”. Three Monotheistic faiths, each has its own reading, other groups have also theirs.

How these faiths, these ethnic groups consider the woman in her person, dignity and human rights?

Do civil rights and religious by-laws meet or conflict when it comes to women’s rights?

Humanity needs the woman as an equal companion, sharing and protecting values and educating new generations. How could we expect Peace and Harmony in a world where women don’t enjoy harmony and peace in their own homes and in their own societies!

This course is designed to meet, listen and discuss with women in their context and try to proclaim the due recognition of the woman’s personality, her equal rights and her responsibilities with men

Sisterhood could encourage women in this Holy Land to join together for more sharing and more contribution to the need of living together, respecting each other and building up new hope with each other.

Visiting different groups with a spirit of mutual respect, aiming at the creation of new ways and new bridges of understanding and co-responsibility, is the real goal beyond this course.

Categories: Courses  |  Lifelong Learning  |  World Religions