Practicing Spirituality: On-Demand E-Courses

January 1, 1970
Offered by
New YorkNY

Spirituality & Practice

New Practicing Spirituality E-Courses for 2008

Spirituality & Practice is offering eight new e-courses for 2008 plus a special Lenten edition of one of our most popular ones. All of them will have private Practice Circles, online forums where you can share this experience with other participants from around the world. The Practice Circles for last year’s e-courses were one of the true joys of 2007 for us, and we are looking forward to seeing many of you again and lots of new faces in the Circles this year.

So without further ado, here’s the list for 2008.

Practicing Spirituality with Jesus – Lenten Edition

This popular e-course is already in our on-demand system, but we are offering an expanded edition for Lent and including a Practice Circle to deepen the experience. Forty daily emails will each contain a thought-provoking quotation about Jesus and a related practice suggestion — a concrete way for people of all traditions to express their respect and love of Jesus and the way of life he modeled.

Then for the Sundays in Lent (not counted in the 40 days), we will offer a slightly longer-than-usual quotation and use it to teach a classic spiritual practice. Consider this a six-week supplementary course in Christian practices.

The third element is the Practice Circle where you can talk with other subscribers about the quotations and the practices. Even if you have already taken this e-course through the on-demand system, the Practice Circle is bound to make this time through a very different experience. Sign up for Practicing Spirituality with Jesus – Lenten Edition here.

E-Courses with Master Teachers

We’ll have four e-courses this year on the wisdom and practices of master teachers. First up will be “Practicing Spirituality with Thomas Moore.” We’ve been fans of Moore’s work on soulful living and everyday spirituality since Frederic read Care of the Soul nearly 15 years ago. Mary Ann remembers hearing expressions that were the equivalent of exclamation marks coming out of Fred’s office. Finally, she asked, “What on earth are you reading?” Fred replied, “A book I’ve been waiting for.” See why as we present 40 select passages from Moore’s books combined with a simple way to bring his wisdom on artful living into your daily life. This course starts on February 4 and runs through March 14. Sign up for Practicing Spirituality with Thomas Moore here.

The other e-courses on master teachers will be:

• Practicing Spirituality with His Holiness the Dalai Lama
• Practicing Spirituality with Joan Chittister
• Practicing Spirituality with the Peacemakers (Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dorothy Day, Desmond Tutu, John Dear, Daniel Berrigan, and many others).

Sign up for all four e-courses and get them for the price of three. Read more about the Master Teachers 2008 Subscription here.

Practicing Spirituality with the Religious Traditions

We’ve already covered many of the major religious traditions in the e-courses now in our on-demand system. This year we will offer:
• Practicing Spirituality with Sufis
• Practicing Spirituality with Hindus
• and a special course on “interspirituality” (the universal commonality underlying all the religions) Practicing Spirituality with the World’s Religions.

These courses will run from May – August. Sign up for all three and get a 25% discount. Read more about our Practicing Spirituality with the Traditions Subscription here.

And One More

In our Practice Circles last year, we noticed that many people talked about things they had learned from illness. They reminded us of passages we’ve seen in our reading about about how disease can be a spiritual teacher and how spiritual practices can lend meaning to the setbacks and breakthroughs that accompany being sick. So we are going back to those sources and others to put together this special e-course for those who have had a close encounter with illness as well as their famlies, friends, caretakers, and health professionals.

Practicing Spirituality through Illness will run from March 24 – May 2. Sign up now, tell your family and friends, and consider giving it as a gift.

21-Day E-Courses for Changing Habits

Finally, at the beginning of the year we launched a new series of 21-day programs designed to help you change a habit and establish a new practice, which recovery programs tell us takes three weeks. We’ve identified four common issues many of us face regularly and found quotations and practices to help you work with them. Available on-demand (you choose start date and frequency – though we recommend the daily schedule), these programs are ways for you to jump-start your personal transformation in 2008.

• Beating the Blahs
• Dealing with Disappointment
• Fear Busters
• Letting Go

We hope you’ll agree that there’s something for everybody in our e-course offerings for 2008. To get a quick review of all the possibilities, visit the E-Courses Homepage. We’ll look forward to practicing spirituality with you in 2008.

Salaam, Shalom, Peace,

Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

For more information please visit the website.