Group Spiritual Direction Level 1 Workshop

Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation Inc.

Whether you are new to Group Spiritual Direction, wish to explore it further, or are seeking support and guidance for forming a group, please consider joining us for this virtual workshop on Zoom. Participants will experience Group Spiritual Direction (GSD) each day with an experienced facilitator and deepen their contemplative grounding for this prayer practice …
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Unsettling – How faith communities can be “unsettled” and work towards right relations with Indigenous peoples

New Leaf Network

Many Christians and faith communities across Canada desire deeply to meet the Calls to Action developed by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Final Report. But sometimes knowing where to start is a difficult task. Join us for a three week series, in preparation for September 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. We’ll learn how …
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Hit the Ground Kneeling: Book Study

Anglican Diocese of New Westminster

A Book Study on Leadership Leaders in organizational settings are expected to land in their roles and “hit the ground running.” Their skill is often linked to how quickly they can start moving things. But what if we took a different view of leadership?  What does leadership look like when viewed through the eyes of …
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Islam 101: Understanding Muslim Neighbors

Candler School of Theology at Emory University

When you hear the words ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islam,’ what comes to mind? This course will survey key elements of Islam as a religious and cultural tradition from its historical beginnings to its contemporary global expressions. Students need no prior knowledge for this course as we will develop basic familiarity with the Islamic tradition’s figures, beliefs, …
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Crossing the Threshold: Contemplative Foundations for Emerging Leaders

Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation Inc.

For those who are between 25-40 and seek a deeper spiritual foundation for their lives Crossing the Threshold is designed for those who are Approximately between the ages of 25-40 Desiring to deepen the spiritual foundation of their life and work Seeking a supportive spiritual community Interested in contemplative practices, including prayer and meditation Willing …
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Unmasking Racism in Anti-Racism Education: Youth Ministry

Yale Divinity School

Despite ongoing anti-racism efforts in our nation racism continues to flourish. If most Americans align with a faith or tradition that upholds values of justice and equity why are we still “here” in this static space? Join us for three sessions as we answer this question by journeying back to our roots: digging up the …
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Dare to Lead for Faith Leaders

Luther Seminary

Apply the breakthrough insights of Brené Brown’s work to your role in faith leadership Have you tried leading from the extremes – hiding your true thoughts and emotions in order to keep the peace, then over-reacting to relatively small issues or problems at other points? We probably all have. Frequently, the problem is a disconnect …
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Leading the Church Through Times of Conflict

Credence and Co.

Conflict in congregational life is unique – it mixes organizational dynamics with personality, family history, conflict, theology and of course, faith. This combination creates both challenges and possibilities. This workshop provides church leaders with an opportunity to consider their role as leaders in this dynamic environment, providing practical tools and processes for engaging churches experiencing conflict, transforming tough situations into …
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School for Lay Ministry Learning Community

Luther Seminary

Transform Your Ministry in Just One Year with Theologically-Sound Training & Leadership Development From preaching and teaching to providing pastoral care or designing worship, faith leaders, like you, serve their congregations in various roles. Often, you do so without the theological background or seminary degrees your colleagues may have. With the School for Lay Ministry, …
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Blessed are the Undone: Leading in the era of quiet deconstruction

New Leaf Network

The Canadian church has seen its fair share of shifts and trends in recent years…. … you may be familiar with the term “deconstruction,” or perhaps you or someone you love has gone through a season of questioning, spiritual peril or even a total loss of the Christian faith. The implications of a faith unmooring …
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