Hearfulness: Transformation In Christ: A Centering Prayer Retreat

Hearfulness: Transformation In Christ A Centering Prayer Retreat Tuesday, March 13th through Friday, March 16th, 2012 Led by Br. Julian Mizelle, OHC * Silent Heartfulness is about opening ourselves to the contemplative dimension of the gospel. Through the practices of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina we allow ourselves to enter into a living tradition of …
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Benedictine Experience 2012

Benedictine Experience 2012 Tuesday, May 15 to Sunday, May 20 Led by Brother Scott Wesley Borden Benedictine Monastic tradition has thrived within the walls of various monasteries for more than a millennium, but in the last few decades pieces of Benedictine tradition have begun to take root beyond the monastery. This program will allow you …
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Icon Writing: A Glimpse of the Kingdom

ICON WRITING: A Glimpse of the Kingdom Nov. 10-16 Use acrylic paint and prayer to recreate an icon. For beginners and experienced iconographers alike. Led by Teresa Harrison, Coronado, Calif For more information please visit the website.

Benedictine Experience

September 18-25, 2012 BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE Join us for a six-day experience of the Rule of St. Benedict. We will explore the values, insights and wisdom of the Rule. Participants will join the monks of Saint John’s Abbey and the Sisters of Saint Benedict’s Monastery for the Liturgy of the Hours. Leaders include members from both …
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