Footsteps of Jesus

Footsteps of Jesus is a 10-day study pilgrimage focusing on the scriptures, sites, and landscapes associated with Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. The course roughly follows a chronological arc of the life of Jesus. There are several iterations of this program. Its focus is more devotional than the longer Palestine of Jesus course, while still …
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Spiritual Practices

Spiritual Practices for Today provides an experiential introduction to classical Christian spiritual disciplines that nurture intimacy with God. Becoming familiar with some of Christianity’s rich spiritual traditions, and through personal experimentation with various classical prayer-forms and disciplines, students will be better equipped to develop a prayerful Rule of Life. Because significant components of this course …
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Praying and Preaching the Psalms

Preaching and praying the Psalms is a ten-week online class about drawing on the Psalter as a spiritual resource. The course considers the literary shaping of the whole Psalter: its deliberate introduction (Pss 1-2), its internal divisions, its overall arc from lament to praise. The course addresses difficult psalms of imprecation (like Psalm 137), and …
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The Gospel of Matthew

An exploration of the Gospel of Matthew, this learning opportunity is designed for discovering mission exploration, deepening the spiritual life of your community, and for those who preach and teach. Sign-up for this and any 10-week courses on Populi. Find a quick how-to video here.  Don’t have a Populi login? Send us a quick email.

Conversion and Transformation

If you’ve ever wondered how conversion changes lives-–including your own––this course is for you. Examine the theology of religious experience, paying particular attention to the nature and character of Christian conversion and spiritual change. Discover that a comprehensive experience of conversion is essential for spiritual transformation and a vital piety. Gain a deeper understanding of …
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