Children & Spiritual Identity

Regent College

The study of children and childhood are now hot topics across a range of academic disciplines including philosophy, anthropology, literature, theology, and history. The historical study of childhood began with Philippe Ariès’s ground-breaking work, L’Enfant et la Vie Familiale sous l’Ancien Régime (1960) (published in English as Centuries of Childhood in 1962), which argued that …
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Francis of Assisi and the Medieval Church

Regent College

This course takes the remarkable holy man, Francis of Assisi, as its guide through an exploration of the medieval Church and the wider cultural phenomenon known as Christendom. In addition to studying Francis in detail, the course will also encounter such subjects as the vibrant sacred architecture of the period, the mystical works of visionary …
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History of Christianity II

Regent College

(A) (Pre-recorded Distance Education Option Available) The History of Christianity courses are designed as a survey of Christian history.  Since most students at Regent College have had little exposure to Christian history, the survey is on an introductory level.  These courses provide the best approach to Christian history for the student who is only at …
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The Christian Spirit: A History of Christian Spirituality

Regent College

This course offers an introduction to the Christian spiritual tradition up to the modern period.  For two millennia Christians have been praying and responding to the self-giving love of God in Jesus Christ by the gift of the Holy Spirit.  This response to God has taken place under the conditions of our humanity and it …
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Luke & Acts

Regent College

In this course we will read through Luke and Acts, paying attention to their historical background, literary character and theological emphases. In the case of the Gospel of Luke we want to discern its distinctive features in relation to the other three Gospel accounts, and in the case of the Book of Acts we want …
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Regent College

With bizarre sign acts and sometimes shocking rhetoric, Ezekiel can be a difficult book for modern readers to engage. But it also presents an important perspective on Judah’s exile and offers glorious portraits of the nation’s restoration. This course will examine the book of Ezekiel against the prophet’s priestly background and will pay particular attention …
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Biblical Hermeneutics and Criticism

Regent College

The past several hundred years have seen widely varied approaches to reading the Bible arise, which can challenge the very identity of the Christian Church, much less our ability to read together. The emergence of new critical methods and perspectives with respect to Bible-reading has affected people’s trust in the Bible as well as their …
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New Testament Foundations

Regent College

Immerse yourself in the entire New Testament, one book at a time. In this overview, you will connect each book’s central message to the larger New Testament, to its own time and place in history, and especially to Jesus and his impact on those who knew him best. Gain a strong foundation that will shape …
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Introduction to Preaching and Worship

Regent College

Preaching Preaching has, all too often, been taught either as a detached expository process with little critical reflection on culture and mission, or else as an attractional approach that spares little time for scripture. Both paradigms tend to produce preaching that is individualistic and rationalistic. This course explores another way: a missional approach to preaching …
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The Uses of Scripture in Theology: Examining Slavery, Sexuality, and Male-Female Relations in Light of Divine Love

Regent College

Why do Christians professing a high view of biblical authority appeal to the same biblical texts and arrive at conclusions widely at variance with one another on theological and ethical issues? What accounts for such disagreements? This course offers a theological framework through which we will look at various interpretations of the Bible, evaluating claims and …
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