Advanced New Testament Exegesis

Regent College

This course builds on the exegetical methods established in BIBL 503, using Paul’s epistle to the Philippians as a living lab for further exposure to the methods and tools of New Testament exegesis, particularly those tools and methods relevant to the study of New Testament letters. In the course of study, we want not only …
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Advanced Old Testament Exegesis

Regent College

This course aims to further student competence in the interpretation of the texts of the Old Testament. It presupposes knowledge of the basic steps of exegesis (as introduced in BIBL 503) and a growing awareness of the history of criticism (BIBL 600). It also presupposes a sound grasp of elementary Hebrew and a desire to …
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Biblical Exegesis and Interpretation

Regent College

This course introduces students to the art of biblical exegesis and interpretation. It is designed to help students gain confidence in text analysis, become self-critically aware of the challenges and opportunities of reading the Bible in modern contexts, and consider the ongoing relevance of Scripture for the Christian life while remaining open to the work …
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Image and Word: Theological Reflections on Media and Culture

Regent College

We live in an image-saturated society—“an empire of signs”—in which discerning the difference between truth and illusion, fantasy and reality, is becoming an ever more difficult task. As communications media and powerful computer technologies converge, and invade and define ever greater areas of daily life, there are those who would argue that it’s a hopeless, …
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The Christian Imagination

Regent College

Is there such a thing as a Christian imagination? Is it just a private matter or does it have a public role? In what ways is it shaped by biblical and theological teaching? How does it relate to our experience of reality – a world of beauty and brokenness, of glory and degradation? And is …
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Pastoral Ethics

Regent College

This course provides vital resources for the Christian moral life. We begin by posing the question of whether “Christian ethics” is even possible, given the scriptural account of the Fall as the pursuit of “the knowledge of good and evil.” Alongside lecture content on the various ethical aspects of community leadership, we will consider how …
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Master of Arts in Theology & Ecology

Princeton Theological Seminary

Assuming the sacredness and interdependence of all creation, and in recognition of the world’s exhaustion, brokenness, and systemic injustices, the Master of Arts in Theology and Ecology (MTE) forms leaders for service by immersing participants in a community of embodied theological reflection, rooted in Princeton Theological Seminary’s Farminary, and by attending to the intimate connections …
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Theology of Disability

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

What does the experience of disability tell us about what it means to be created in the image of God? What does scripture say (and not say) about disability? How does faith inform the church’s care for humans with disabilities? This course will delve into these questions and more through discussions of scripture, theology, and …
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Current Course Schedule, Stevenson School of Ministry

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

The link provided here should take you to the current course listing, along with the various training pathways where courses can be combined to offer different kinds of certification.  

Foundations of the Courage & Renewal Approach

Throughout 5 online sessions, learn how the values, principles, and practices of the Courage & Renewal® approach, taken together, create trustworthy spaces to explore questions of meaning, purpose, and how to live authentically with integrity and courage. Sessions will take place every Saturday, 9-11am ET. The Courage & Renewal approach is premised on the notion …
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