After Acts: Patristics from the Apostles to Nicaea

Regent College

Dive into the writings of the early church, tracing the development of the Christian movement from the Book of Acts through the fourth-century conversion of the Roman Emperor. As you read and discuss primary sources, you’ll learn how the teachings of Scripture were understood and lived out among the earliest generations of Christians. Examine the …
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The Johannine Literature

Ambrose University

A reading of and reflection upon the Gospel and Letters of John, noting their literary form, historical context, and theological content. Particular attention is given to those topics and themes that constitute a unique and profound contribution to the New Testament and to the Christian faith.  

Poverty and Human Rights: Theory, Theology and Practice

Ambrose University

This course will provide a sound understanding of poverty from a human rights perspective. The course will focus on the role of international human rights law in addressing the structural causes of poverty and how a human rights framework fits within a Judeo-Christian framework. A theological framework and critique of the human rights approach will …
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Themed Study: Easter and Passover

Yale Divinity School

The spring holidays of Passover and Easter have been intertwined since the earliest periods of Christianity. Each represents the defining event of Judaism and Christianity, respectively: the Exodus from Egypt and the resurrection of Jesus. This course discusses the biblical origins of the two holidays; how Easter grew out of Passover; and how the holidays …
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Luther Seminary

Learn practical strategies that engage your own spirituality and backstory to craft an effective sermon without the stress. Reboot your preaching life & Rediscover the joy of Preaching. You wonder if there’s a better way to prepare your sermons. You’re tired of scrambling for a message at the last minute and then wondering if your message …
View course details “SERMON CAMP FOR PREACHERS”

The Engaged Spirituality of Jesus with John Bell

Sisterhood of St. John the Divine (The) (SSJD)

The incarnation is a term often associated with the birth of Jesus. It should properly refer to his while life and ministry, for the Word which became enfleshed at Bethlehem stayed enfleshed until the Ascension. As distinct from John the Baptist, Jesus’ expression of Spirituality is not an ascetic strain best suited to hermits, but …
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Pauline Scriptures; In the thick of an unfinished story: an exploration of Paul’s theology.

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

This course provides an investigation into Paul’s theology across his undisputed letters in the New Testament. We will read and discuss portions of Paul’s writings in conversation with a variety of interpretative perspectives in order to gain insight into the historical, literary, social, and theological textures of Paul’s communications. Our focus will be on discerning, …
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Teaching Ministry

Stevenson School of Ministry in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania

This introductory course focuses on biblical and theological understandings of Christian education and community formation for discipleship and mission. It explores techniques, tools and technology for improving the effectiveness of those who teach and those who learn in a congregational setting. Teaching in your local parish is an energizing way to spread the Gospel. Sharpen …
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Rhythms Of Missional Spirituality – A Roadmap Towards Change

Niagara School for Missional Leadership

We cannot make sense of our new world by using old maps. It doesn’t help to dust them off or reprint them with bolder colors. The more we rely on them, the more confused we will become. They will cause us to focus on the wrong things and blind us to what’s significant. Continuing to …
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