Thomas Merton and Racism

Merton’s writings on the problem of racism are perhaps the least known of his works. They are, however, among his most important, not only because they address issues that arose at the height of the Civil Rights movement, but also because his writings continue to have astonishing relevance today. In this course, we will examine …
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Transforming Power, Prejudice and Privilege: Building equitable, diverse and inclusive communities and organizations

Recognizing that our social structures and personal biases can get in the way of commitment to respecting our colleagues and community members, this interactive workshop will engage themes of prejudice, power and privilege in a manner that honours all voices in the room while also challenging the biases and structures that privilege some over others …
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2023 African American Religious Autobiography Seminar

In this week-long seminar, we will form a multi-cultural group of pastors, teachers, professors, and non-profit organization leaders to learn from the poignant and prophetic autobiographical writings of Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Howard Thurman, and Ida B. Wells. We will pay particular attention to the implications of their writings for vital and faithful pastoral, priestly, and prophetic leadership …
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Putting a Human Face on Migration

This week-long seminar, directed by Janice McLean-Farrell and Leopoldo Sanchez, explores common assumptions in the media and wider public sphere about migrants and offers an introduction to the main theological approaches, as well as the complexity and nuances that accompany immigration in the U.S . It assists participants in developing a framework for thinking about ministry …
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Theology and Ethics: Liberation Perspectives and Praxis

In this course, students will be introduced to theological-ethical perspectives from liberation traditions with attention to various cultural, social, ethnic, and political contexts that have emerged from historically marginalized communities, with a focus on the United States and Latin America. This course places scholars from various liberation traditions (Latin American/Latinx, Black/Womanist, Indigenous, Asian American, Feminist, …
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When Christians Disagree: Church Unity in an Age of Division

Survey the typologies of engagement by various Christian traditions (giving particular attention to the broad evangelical tradition) with the public square, along the spectrum of disengagement, cooperation, co-optation, and confrontation. Analyze the theological assumptions and perspectives on the gospel that inform such engagement or lack thereof. Dominant evangelical paradigms of Christian engagement in the public …
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Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry (DUIM)

Five days focused on faith, heart, mind, and skills for the art of intercultural ministry Engage Difference! Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry (DUIM) is a 5-day interactive and engaging program with practical ideas for implementation in your own context. DUIM is for ministry leaders and community members nurturing cultural relevance, understanding, and awareness in their …
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The Connectors is a group that journeys over the course of 12 months to explore fresh approaches to flourishing ministry. It involves reflection, prayer, discussion, study, goal-setting, trying out missional initiatives, mutual peer support and more! ü Do you sense that God is nudging you to try something new? ü Do you wish to reach …
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Conflict Resolution Jesus Style

Our current culture is fraught with conflict and tension. People often describe “walking on eggshells” or the inability to hold a respectful conversation with others. Disputes arise within communities, the workplace, families and far too often within our church congregations. Situations seem insurmountable and people become intractable. The focus of this class is to prepare …
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