RAH! at the Ranch — a Personal Spiritual Tune-up

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$350.00 The 13th century Christian mystic, Hildegard von Bingen, said that as we grow closer to God we “redden.” Join redheaded adventure writer and spiritual coach Jessica Maxwell for a personal spiritual tune-up like none other. Author of the double-gold award-winning spiritual memoir, Roll Around Heaven, Jessica and RAH!, as fans call her book, were …
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Heaven Of The Heart: Creating A Space For Sacred Imagination

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$385.00 What connects our spirituality, creativity and living out our vocation? How might an intentional engagement with our creativity and our spirituality increase our ability to live as people of faith? In this workshop you will push back the boundaries of familiar distractions and enter a Sabbath time in which to explore the intersection between …
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Food, Glorious Food: The Eucharist & Your Foodshed

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$360.00 Glorious food–sacrament, commodity, both or neither? If most of us do not produce our own food, what is our relationship to the food web and our foodshed? If being at table is a core sacrament for most religions, as it is for the Christian Eucharist, what is its relationship to the foodshed? Is there …
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Soulful Singing: Finding & Singing Our Songs

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$370.00 Songs and singing, like nothing else, have the power to connect us to one another, heart to heart and soul to soul. Using the Psalms as one model we will sing songs of lament, protest, thanksgiving and joy. Songs from a variety of singing traditions including Native American chants, folk music and contemporary hymns …
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Healthy Congregational Leadership For Times Of Change

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$350.00 This intermediate seminar presupposes a rudimentary background in applying Bowen Family Systems Theory to congregational leadership. It is a continuing education opportunity for pastors or other church leaders in systems thinking and a Beyond the Basics opportunity for interim/transitional ministers after weeks 1 and 2 training. It offers safety to step back and reflect …
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Oxford Round Table

University of Oxford

This is an invitation to invite you to attend one of our Religion sessions which will be held at Harris Manchester College in the University of Oxford, Oxford, England. Members of the Oxford Round Table have access to an array of academic, cultural and social resources, including the Oxford Union Debating Society, colleges and halls …
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Leading out of Pain

Church Council on Justice and Corrections

Victims’ Pastoral Care: The Search for Spiritual Healing from the Impacts of Crime.