Monday 21 – Thursday 24 October 2013 A ‘mini-pilgrimage’ designed to enable independent travellers to explore their faith in the context of Rome and its centrality in Christian history. The course will follow the established pattern of earlier years (see above). Cost: 220 €
Monday 17 – Sunday 24 June 2013 You are invited to undertake a journey to the heart of early Christianity in Rome and from there on a ‘virtual’ pilgrimage to Canterbury in the footsteps of St Augustine. What happened to Christianity in that Anglo-Saxon culture and its spread beyond? Perceptions of distance and closeness, separation …
View course details “Rome Summer School: In The Steps Of St Augustine”
Monday 11 – Saturday 16 March 2013 New Testament reflections on the last week of Jesus’ life and the Resurrection. Biblical studies will be accompanied by exploration of the theme through visiting sites and art of Christian Rome. Course leader Paula Gooder, writer and lecturer in Biblical Studies, is Canon Theologian of Birmingham and Guildford …
View course details “Journey to the Empty Tomb”
Reconnect your mind, body, and spirit by learning about and experiencing a combination of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and hypnosis. Focus on reestablishing and maintaining the flow of energy along 12 principal meridians. Learn how to access this energy through acupressure of specific points along these channels and how hypnosis can increase that energy flow. …
View course details “Open Heart, Peaceful Mind: A Retreat for Rest and Reflection”
In a contemplative and creative setting, feed the inner life that is taking form. As we gather in the darkness of winter, we sense God’s eternal Light. Sinking into the silence and listening to the still small voice within, we will nourish and give expression to what is growing within us through art, poetry, journaling, …
View course details “Nurturing New Life”
Pay Attention, Expect to Be Changed, Honor Your Connectedness, Choose Beauty, Live Radiantly. Rooted in early Quakerism, these advices call us to live more fully in all aspects of our lives. Explore them from a variety of perspectives and discover ways they can awaken and energize your daily life. Take time for personal reflection and …
View course details “Five Spiritual Principles”
Prepare to behold! As fall unfolds its glories, set your camera to worship mode and come to Pendle Hill. Taking advantage of the magic light of morning and late afternoon, we will literally “hold in the light” and “frame the sacred.” Worship, poetry, Taizé chanting, and worship sharing will enrich our time together as we …
View course details “Holding in the Light, Framing the Sacred”
“Once again I felt profoundly grateful for the circles I first experienced at Pendle Hill –grateful for what they taught me about the reality and power of the soul, about a way of being together that allows the soul to make a claim on our lives, and about the miracles that can happen when we …
View course details “Journey Toward an Undivided Life: A Circle of Trust® Retreat Series Five Spiritual Principles”
Experience God through a daily round of beauty using the five senses and fine arts. Don’t just talk about meeting God – experience the Divine in ways that are sensory and participatory using watercolors, markers, paper, clay, found objects, body prayer, and more. Contemplative exercises and engaging interaction will complement our artistic activities. We will …
View course details “Awakening Your Senses Exercises for Exploring the Wonder of God”
Early Quakers had a strong sense of what a God-led life looked and felt like, and they were accountable to their Meetings. Today, Friends enjoy greater freedom to define what makes our lives “quakerly.” We are left, sometimes uncomfortably, with more responsibility to uphold our own sense of faithfulness. This retreat is designed to help …
View course details “Faithful Listening, Faithful Living”