The Art Of Spiritual Direciton – Co-hort II wk three

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$1,622.00 This program is rooted in the deep contemplative Christian tradition and honors the sacred listening practices of other traditions, as well. Participants who apply and are accepted in the program will travel to Ghost Ranch for four, one-week residential intensives (two separate weeks each year). An experienced staff of distinguished spiritual directors will facilitate …
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The Art Of Spiritual Direction (Stillpoint)-Co-hort III week one

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$1,622.00 Formation and Training Program is scheduled to begin with classes being held over the period November 2012 through March 2014. Note: The Spiritual Journey is a prerequisite for this program. Certificate awarded at completion of the program. Participants who apply and are accepted in the program will travel to Ghost Ranch for four, on-week …
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Celebrations For Days Of The Dead

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$320.00 Días de los Muertos is the Latin American holiday coinciding with Halloween and All Souls’ Day. Explore the whimsy, humor, history and ritual of this ancient acknowledgement and transcendence of death. We make traditional foods and folk art, including ofrendas (“altars” or memorials to friends and family) and skeleton masks We’ll read selected poetry …
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Creative Non-Fiction

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$350.00 We all have stories we live by: family stories; stories honed out of hard or celebratory experiences. We all have come, over years of feeling and observing and living, to believe in certain things and hope for eventual resolutions. This course, through specific assignments, brings those thoughts and events to the surface and enable …
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From Havoc To Whole: Spiritual Writing

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$350.00 In this course, participants will explore in poetry or prose those events, relationships, coincidences that have created minor shifts or major chaos in their lives. We will look especially at ways to reframe and re-envision those interruptive experiences by using techniques employed by literary writers: fresh juxtaposition, charged diction, magical realism, metaphor and other …
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SoulCollage®: Finding Your Inner Compass

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$370.00 Immerse yourself in the soul-satisfying process of SoulCollage® where you will create a personal deck of collaged cards. Choose from a unique collection of images and artwork, then using just scissors and glue, create collaged cards that reflect your personality, influences, family and friends, guides and challengers. Discover your soul’s voice as you enter …
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Astronomy, Spirituality & The Mayan Prophecy

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$365.00 This course includes teachings on the everyday astronomy of the daytime and nighttime sky, along with teachings on Mayan astronomy and 2012, as well as teachings on Native American astronomy and spirituality. These teachings are combined with meditations and wisdom teachings from cultures around the world to provide an enriched experience of one’s inner …
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The 3 R’s For Clergy: Rest, Reading & Renewal

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$100.00 Enjoy a week’s study leave in the high desert of Northern New Mexico. You are on your own schedule but have the opportunity to dine, worship and hike with other clergy. Optional hiking and visiting neighboring communities are also offered. Spend as much or as little time with colleagues during your time at Ghost …
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Journey Toward An Undivided Life: An Introductory Circle Of Trust ®

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$375.00 Based on the work of Parker J. Palmer, this Circle of Trust ® retreat explores the intersection of our personal and professional lives. Using poetry, meditation, dialogue, stories, music, movement, relaxation and journaling, we foster renewal of body and mind. Those in professions such as organizational leadership, education, community service, law and medicine know …
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Enneagram & Emerging Christianity

Ghost Ranch Conference Center

$350.00 Brian McLaren is the elder statesman in a movement called the “emerging church.” He is a bridge builder and gifted teacher connecting what separates us from God and one another, while introducing us to the hope that something is trying to be born both in and among us. Suzanne Stabile is a retreat director, …
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