Sweet Roman Hand – A Calligraphy Workshop

Holy Cross Monastery

  Led by Brother Roy Parker Tuesday, April 9 to Friday, April 12, 2013 Shakespeare’s phrase for Italic handwriting in his comedy “Twelfth Night” indicates that the English aristocracy of his day retained Italian writing masters to teach them the newly developed script of the Italian Renaissance. Is your inner aristocrat yearning for expression? This …
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The Three Great Days – Holy Week at the Monastery

Holy Cross Monastery

  Led by The Monastic Community Thursday, March 28 – Sunday, March 31, 2013 Join the monastic community in a distinctive observance of the central event of the liturgical year – from Maundy Thursday with the washing of feet, through Good Friday and the procession to the Cross, and onward to the exaltation of the …
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Contemplative Days – Praying Along-Side the Monastic Community

Holy Cross Monastery

  Tuesday, March 19 to Friday, March 22, 2013 A completely silent time with the monks as we observe our Lenten “Contemplative Days.” During this period we are in complete silence, no programs or spiritual direction are offered and there is a reduced worship schedule (Matins, Eucharist and Vespers). This will be limited to 15 …
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The Mystery Of Wales

Holy Cross Monastery

  Led by Esther De Waal Tuesday, March 12 to Friday, March 15, 2013 An exploration of hidden holy places, their saints, and above all, an exploration of religious poetry whose beauty remains larely unrecognized and unknown. Come be part of this celebration of the Celtic heritage of Wales. Cost: $350, deposit: $80

Lenten Retreat – Let Me See! – Gazing, Insight, Healing and Foresight

Holy Cross Monastery

  Led by The Reverend Martin Smith Friday, March 1 to Sunday, March 3, 2013 In this silent retreat we will seek the courage of the blind man who asked Jesus to let him see. Learning from the ancient discipline of the ‘four senses of scripture’, we will explore the call to look and gaze …
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Stepping Off Into Lent

Holy Cross Monastery

  Led by Brother James Dowd *partially silent (on Ash Wednesday) Tuesday, February 21 to Friday, February 24, 2013 St. Benedict teaches us in his Rule that a monk is to live a perpetual Lent. But what does that mean for us or for you? Well, join us for the Step off into Lent and …
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Winter Associates Retreat

Holy Cross Monastery

  Led by Brother Reginald Martin Crenshaw Thursday, January 31 to Sunday, February 3, 2013 Join with other Associates as we further explore our relationship to God and one another. This is intended for Associates and those considering becoming an Associate. Cost: $280, deposit: $80

Winter Library Volunteers Retreat

Holy Cross Monastery

  with Brother Adam McCoy Tuesday, January 22 to Friday, January 25, 2013 Join enthusiastic volunteers for a labor of love – and balance work, rest, prayer and recreation – as we continue the rewarding tasks of caring for and cataloging over 20,000 volumes. Cost: $170, deposit: $80