Christian Ethics

When we encounter our own lives and the lives of others, several questions about responsibility and requirement are raised. Such questions often demand not only careful discernment but also decisive action. Yet many often wonder whether certain actions are right or wrong, just or unjust, good or evil. Others are restrained from action, debilitated by …
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Leadership Studio II (with TFE)

PT652D follows PT651 (Fall) and is its required completion. Together these two courses, and the field work that goes alongside them, fulfill two units of Theological Field Education (TFE – Leadership in Practice). Theologically trained professionals serving congregational or social ministries, agencies, organizations and other institutions are continually presented with a changing context and the …
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Ministry from the Inside Out

“The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervener.” (William O’Brien) Is this true?  If it is, it could be read to say, “The success of a church depends on the interior condition of its leadership.”  How are we as leaders (whether paid or lay) – attending to our interior journeys of faith, …
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Leading with Hope in Anxious Times: Renew, Resourcing Pastors and Church Leaders for Ministry

Throughout the Old and New Testaments, people have turned to God for hope when they were anxious or disquieted (Psalm 42:11). Today, we live in disquieting times. As pastors, church leaders, and congregations, we may feel a vague sense of guilt over our inability to right wrongs of the past. We may also be disquieted …
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2024 Calvin Symposium on Worship

This ecumenical conference… gathers worshipers from across Canada, the US, and beyond  brings together people from a variety of roles in worship and leadership, including pastors, worship planners and leaders, musicians, scholars, students, worship bands and teams, organists, visual artists, preachers, chaplains, missionaries, liturgists, council and session leaders, and more  encourages leaders in churches and …
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