THEO 2150: Anglican Liturgy
January 3, 2024 - April 5, 2024
Thorneloe University
Instructor: Dr. John Gibaut
Instructor: Dr. John Gibaut
Instructor: Dr. Jay Koyle
Applications for this course are open to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit participants. Click here for downloadable PDF Click here to apply This course is online. You will need reliable internet access (high speed is recommended). This seven-week course explores building Indigenous communities from an abundance-based approach, starting with the foundation of gifts, skills …
View course details “Building on Abundance in Indigenous Communities”
The unprecedented convergence of the forces of globalization, urbanization, changing demographics, and climate change are already fundamentally changing the way we live and work. While the continuous advancement of artificial intelligence and advanced robotics have improved productivity and efficiency and increased convenience, they have raised concerns over the number of jobs being lost due to …
View course details “Future of Work and Workers”
This course will provide a theological foundation to undergird practical theology courses at Regent. With an awareness that the gospel must continually be contextualized and translated in culture, this course will offer a vision of church ministry that is theologically grounded in the essentials of the Trinitarian faith. The primary premise of this course is …
View course details “Pastoral Care”
This course is designed to help students explore some of the critical theological and personal dynamics of being and becoming persons who are image-bearers, persons-in-relation with the triune God, their fellow human, and creation, persons joyfully participating in God’s mission to the world of people and creation. The overarching goal is to help students in …
View course details “Soul of Ministry: Becoming Persons-in-Relation”
This course is designed to introduce you to the nature and practice of Christian worship, liturgy, and sacramental theology. After these subjects are introduced, the class will use its understanding of these subjects as a foundation for looking at the history, theology and practice of baptism, the Eucharist, and other services used in Anglican parishes, …
View course details “Anglican Life: Polity and Liturgy”
Over against postmodern suspicion of history, it is through the loving connection with the Church of all times and places that God provides us today with a theological identity in Christ through the Holy Spirit. This course critically engages the history of the doctrine of the Church as it has taken shape both in the …
View course details “History of Christian Doctrine”
This course will take up the Christian doctrinal themes of Soteriology, Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology in a description of the accomplishment, application, and actualization of redemption. It is concerned with showing the relevance and process of redemption in the present context and pointing forward to the completion of redemption at the eschaton. It will be …
View course details “Theology II”
How can we build organizations that endure, especially through periods of market volatility? How can I maintain my health and integrity at work, avoiding burnout or ethical misconduct? What will it take to leave a healthy environment to the coming generations? Sustainability—the measure for whether a given process can go on—has become a major concern …
View course details “Seminar: Working Sustainably”