You are invited to join leading thinkers, clergy and others to creatively engage with issues facing the Church in Canada. Many of us have been thinking about new church trends for a long time. In 2011 the Congregational Leadership Program at Grebel hosted a day of conversation on Leading the Church in a Post-Christian, Postmodern …
View course details “Navigating to the Next Normal: Challenges and Opportunities for the Church in Canada”
or decades, mission workers, pastors, and theologians have talked about the holistic dimensions of the gospel. We largely assume that the Good News has economic, social, and political dimensions. In practical terms, this means that our witness to the gospel must address racial and economic inequalities, racial ideologies, and economic exploitation. But how? Drawing upon …
View course details “The Spirit of Capitalism and the Witness of the Church”
TODAY,TOMORROW AND FOR ALWAYS! You were made for friendship with Jesus. Jesus does not just want us to know about Him; he wants us to experience his friendship. A true friend is loving and faithful, shares his life with you, and gives things up for you. Jesus offers us friendship with Him that is all …
View course details “WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS”
Being With is an online course that explores the Christian faith through stories shared in community. This 10-week small group makes space for you to uncover truths you already know by being attentive to God’s active presence in your life and in the lives around you. Show up as your truest self and experience healing …
View course details “Being With: Coming This Fall at Trinity”
On October 9, 2023, CDSP will partner with the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California to host an event revisiting recent controversy about the role and relationship of sacraments in the Episcopal Church. In July 2022, the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, meeting in Baltimore, MD, considered a resolution put forward by the Episcopal Diocese of …
View course details “Canon, Communion, and Controversy: What We Can—And Should—Learn from the “Communion without Baptism” Debate”
A new online course from Luther Seminary Have you ever heard of Jesus referenced as the bread of life, the light of the world, the good shepherd, or the true vine? If so, you may already be familiar with the Gospel of John! In this course, you can take a close look at the text …
View course details “Explore the Gospel of John”
Want to learn: The best way to Invite newcomers to your parish? Welcome them when they visit? Connect them with parish life and community so they belong? This is an invitation for parish leadership teams to learn some of the best ways to foster church vitality and growth, to re-examine their own parish systems, and …
View course details “Invite Welcome Connect”
In this online monthly series, we will explore our understanding of God, re-articulate our understanding of the Persons of the Trinity, and discover the hidden energies of Christianity. Together we’ll delve into the writings of Bruno Barnhart and Raimundo Panikkar, and draw on sources from the world’s great spiritual traditions. This monthly series will meet …
View course details “From the Ground Up”
We were created for relationship. God’s word in creation, “It is not good that the man should be alone,” echoes out to all of us. Today, we find ourselves in many, many relationships, with intimate partners, parents, siblings, children, friends, colleagues, and church-friends. How would our lives be different if those relationships were more healthy? …
View course details “The Boundaries Course”
What you will learn Can you honestly say you are meeting all the needs of your congregation? Is that even possible? The truth is that it doesn’t matter how motivated, dedicated, or organized you are, it’s still impossible to do everything yourself. And it’s critical to have others you can depend on. You need a …
View course details “The Art of Coaching Teams”