This 7-week online certificate is an introduction to peace and conflict while examining the nature, effectiveness, and challenges of grassroots peacebuilding. Grassroots Peacebuilding focuses on the theory, models, and frameworks relevant to peacebuilding and conflict resolution which may be applied in post-conflict situations, humanitarian emergencies, and long- term peacebuilding and reconciliation initiatives. The course uses …
View course details “Grassroots Peacebuilding-ONLINE”
This program melds our baptismal commitment “to seek and serve Christ in all persons” and “to respect the dignity of every human being” with a longing to increase understanding about those who are predisposed to addictions and to offer them a path to recovery and wholeness. Grounded in scripture, tradition and reason, this training helps …
View course details “Understanding Addiction and Supporting Recovery: Strategies & Tools”
This 5-session online course explores some ways we can expand creation care beyond committee actions, material stewardship, and personal life adjustments, onto a more integrated expression of whole church life. How might faith communities more fully embody an inclusion of all creation in their lives of faith, worship, and witness? Students will be expected to …
View course details “Deep Green Faith: Aligning Belief and Practice”
This course is intended to introduce learners to the core questions of Christian theology, and to explore some of the answers that Christian thinkers have proposed for those questions over the centuries. Together, we’ll explore what these theological issues mean for us, and how they can affect the way we live our lives. ORGANIZATION OF …
View course details “Introducing Theology and Ethics”
I have always taught that the psalmists were people who were besotted (strongly infatuated, obsessed) with God. As I study more, I believe that all of the writers and editors and traditioners of the Bible were besotted, with God certainly, but also with community, with life as it ought and can be lived. I join …
View course details “Engaging God’s Story”
Gain an appreciation of how to “think theologically,” reflect on what we know and how we know it, engage a variety of interpretive lenses and explore ways to talk across difference. 4-week blended (synchronous and asynchronous) course 3 hours a week independent study (reading, watching, listening, and/or writing), online text-based discussion (asynchronous), final project due …
View course details “Foundations for Baptismal Living”
In the first session of the fall season, we’ll explore the biblical books of Exodus and Joshua and consider how these narratives of freedom for God’s people can be understood in the context of the ancient Near East. In conversation with scholars and clergy, we will also consider how these texts have shaped both African …
View course details “Freedom and Interpretation: Exodus and the Canaanites”
Grief is a deeply personal process but does not have to be endured alone. This six-week online support group will create space for reflection and expression to help us cope with loss. Co-facilitated by Trinity Church Wall Street and the Psychotherapy and Spirituality Institute (PSI).
Transform Your Ministry in Just One Year with Theologically-Sound Training & Leadership Development From preaching and teaching to providing pastoral care or designing worship, faith leaders, like you, serve their congregations in various roles. Often, you do so without the theological background or seminary degrees your colleagues may have. With the School for Lay Ministry, …
View course details “School for Lay Ministry Learning Community”
We are pleased to announce that students can now earn a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) degree in two areas at the Haden Institute. Through our new partnership with the Graduate Theological Foundation (GTF) all current Haden students, as well as those who have graduated within the past three years, are eligible. The program is open …
View course details “Doctor of Ministry”