As contentious conversations about sex and gender show no signs of abating, effective witness to our neighbours requires thoughtful answers and wise actions. This course aims to help Christians think about and respond to some of the gendered aspects of theology, anthropology, and ecclesiology that arise in the New Testament. In particular, we’ll look at …
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In recent years, the study of children and childhood has become a hot topic across a range of academic disciplines, including philosophy, anthropology, literature, theology, and history. In this course, we’ll enter this lively conversation, giving special attention to children’s spiritual experiences and contributions to the life of the church. The historical study of childhood …
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This course will examine a sampling of Christian texts from Ethiopia, Syria, Persia, and China from before the era of European exploration, colonization, and missions. These writings offer glimpses into the experiences of believers from African and Asian contexts, Christians whose lives differed in remarkable ways from those of their European counterparts. Our sources come …
View course details “Ten Classics from Pre-Modern African and Asian Christianity”
In this course, we will examine the historical development and characteristic elements of contemporary Historical Jesus studies. We’ll look at debates over criteria and consider how to present discussions of Historical Jesus issues tied to key events in his life. Students will come away equipped to provide serious, historically contextualized answers about the life and …
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To live in the world, we have to imagine it—to make sense of things by seeing coherent wholes in underdetermined data. Christian theology is both a way of imagining the world and a challenge to our need and capacity to imagine. It helps us bring into view both the power and the risks of our …
View course details “The Theological Imagination”
What is the Bible? Why does the church thank God for “the word of the Lord” when the Bible is read aloud in public worship? What does it mean to identify these ancient texts as inspired Holy Scripture? What theological beliefs and teachings ground and govern the Christian confession that the living Christ speaks his …
View course details “The Doctrine of Scripture”
What features define human life? How do individuals and communities understand and withstand suffering and pain? What is good dying? In our time, these essential human questions are often viewed primarily as issues in bioethics. In reality, these are not exclusively medical or bioethical enquiries. Rather, they are questions that all human individuals and societies …
View course details “Healthcare & the Christian Life”
In writing and conversation alike, we refer to the words of others. From movie quotes, to proverbs, to song lyrics, our vocabulary is shaped by our cultural references. The authors of the New Testament made cultural references too—and their most common source was Scripture. This course provides an introduction to how New Testament authors make …
View course details “Scripture’s Use of Scripture”
The book of Daniel bears witness to the reality of life in exile, combining wondrous and terrible visions concerning the nature of empire with stories of the lives of faithful people living under empire’s rule. In the midst of its presentation of the rule of earthly powers over God’s people, it offers glimpses of a …
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The course New Testament Foundations explores the literature of the New Testament with the primary purpose of growing Christ-following disciples in engaged reading, study, and application of the scriptures to life and ministry in the church. The primary focus will be on the message and content of each book within its particular historical-cultural setting, with …
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