There is one character in the Bible that modern audiences often ignore – the Land. But the land has many secrets to tell us if we learn to listen. It challenges our assumptions and prompts fascinating questions about the Kingdom of God. In this course we will learn to see the diversity in the biblical …
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Today’s moral and social challenges are complex, and our social discourse is often contentious. Explore how artifacts (such as hip-hop and architecture) enriches our understanding of God’s grace, culture and human flourishing, and in turn, shapes our responses to these challenges. Learn about the narrative arc of Scripture that encompasses not only our personal salvation …
View course details “The Gospel, Discipleship, & Cultural Engagement”
Despite the claims of some critics, contemplation or what some call soul recreation, is firmly grounded in Scripture and richly displayed throughout the writings of early Protestantism. Evaluate the resistance to delighting in communion with God and learn how to deepen your experience of enjoying God. Together we will explore this spiritual intimacy by recovering …
View course details “Soul Recreation: Delighting & Enjoying God”
This course will examine the nature of Paul’s spirituality—the transformative, lived experience of participating in Christ by the power of God’s Spirit—as it applies to believing communities, individual believers, and ministers in Paul’s own day and in the life of the contemporary church. The class will combine close reading of selected passages and themes with …
View course details “The Spirituality of Paul”
By virtually all accounts, the Book of Ecclesiastes is a strange book and its presence in the canon, if not anomalous, is at least in need of some discussion if not formal explanation and defense. This course proceeds through Qoheleth (the book’s Hebrew name) while considering and pursuing “Qohelutian” themes in other, biblical and extra-/non-biblical …
View course details “A Skeptic in Scripture: Ecclesiastes & Its Friends”
Christian Poetics is an exploration of literary aesthetics, delving into what defines the nature and quality of literature. While this is primarily a course in literary criticism, students of art, literature, and culture will delight in discovering the interplay between form and function in the works of classical and Christian thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, …
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From the ancient through modern world, women have preached, taught, and led. Yet, for most modern Christians, knowledge of these women as well as the historical context in which they served the Church has been forgotten. This course explores not only forgotten women in Christian history but also the consequences of our historical amnesia for …
View course details “The Cost of Forgetting Church History for Women”
The course New Testament Foundations explores the literature of the New Testament (NT) with the purpose of providing a basis for engaged reading, further study, and application to life and church. The primary focus will be on reading the New Testament wisely, offering a multifaceted paradigm for reading/hearing this literature that includes a sensitivity to …
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We live in a world of power and politics that deeply impacts the lives of individual Christians and the Church. Often too, power and politics are at work in the actions and decisions of our churches and their leaders. It is in such a world that God is at work. In this course we look …
View course details “God & the Kings: Power, Praise, and Pragmatics in 1-2 Kings”
This course will examine women’s lives in the New Testament and the wider Greco-Roman world (including Second Temple Judaism) by studying the biblical text, literary sources, and archaeological evidence. This course extends the discussion into the second through fifth centuries of the early Church, addressing women’s participation in the intellectual, liturgical, ascetic, and monastic arenas. …
View course details “Women in the New Testament & Early Church”