Start your spring with a weekend of indigenous ways of knowing and traditional drum-making for adults! Our Friday evening begins after dinner with a smudge and a story by First Nations Knowledge Keeper, Bernice Jensen. Over the weekend, Bernice will guide authentic First Nations drum and rattle making while sharing traditional knowledge about the drum …
View course details “Indigenous Ways of Knowing – Cultural Celebration and Drum Making”
Robyn Cyr has been involved in Economic Development and Tourism Development for the past 20 years. Robyn is coming to Sorrento Centre to share her knowledge and experience. Robyn will teach you how to: Develop and maintain partnerships and relationships with other organizations and Local, Provincial, and Federal government. Get to know your community in …
View course details “Writing Successful Grants to Fund Your Projects”
Balancing the Past, Present and Future As the church navigates the complexities of post-Christendom Canada, we know that people are seeing the trends in Canada that point to hopeful futures. We invite you to join this first symposium in the new series Conversations in the Canadian Church as we explore these hopeful themes. This event …
View course details “Co-Creating Plausible Futures for the Canadian Church”
How we read may matter as much as what we read. What can we learn from the tradition about how to read the Bible spiritually? In this course, we will look in particular at Dorothy L. Sayers’s way of reading. Raised by an Anglican priest, Sayers was well-versed in the tradition’s way of reading Scripture. …
View course details “Reading as a Spiritual Practice”
For centuries many have perceived a strong bond between the work of the Spirit and artistic creativity. Talk of inspiration, spirituality, and the life of the spirit abounds when the arts are in view. This course asks why this might be so. What is it about the arts that lends themselves so easily to “spirit-talk”, …
View course details “The Holy Spirit & the Arts”
This course explores the person of Jesus and how he has been understood through the ages. We begin with the representations of Jesus in the Gospels, study how the early church made sense of Jesus as a God-man, and look at how people see Jesus today. We will also see how the doctrine of Christ …
View course details “Christology Ancient and Modern”
In this course, we will embark on a journey through the Gospel of Mark, unraveling the narrative portrayal of Jesus (Christology) and the profound implications of following him (discipleship). Our primary focus will be on Mark’s interpretation and application of the Servant motif from the book of Isaiah. This pervasive motif serves as a powerful …
View course details “Christology & Discipleship in Mark’s Gospel”
What role should the news play in the life of a disciple of Christ? This may seem like a contemporary concern, one made acute by political polarization, social media, and ubiquitous screens. And indeed we are living through a time when technological and cultural forces are causing drastic upheavals in the news industry. This course …
View course details “Reading the Times: Christian Responses to the News of the Day”
The church has too often lost its way in reading the Old Testament for lack of sound principles of interpretation. When careless habits get us off track, we can lose sight of what the Bible is really saying, derailing our own spiritual growth and even risking discredit to God’s word. We need a consistent approach …
View course details “Becoming Faithful Readers of the Old Testament”
Now is the moment to review and shape the leadership you bring. We will explore recognising your voice and influence, owning your life decisions, recognising the shadow you cast, knowing what energises and looking ahead with grounded hope. We will draw from the experiences of leaders in different sectors and nations. We will explore the …
View course details “Shaping Your Future Leadership”