Understanding Suicide and Mental Health

Virginia Theological Seminary

Although despair is not a new phenomenon, the rates of suicide and mental distress keep increasing. As people of faith, we must proclaim hope for the hurting in ways that are action-oriented, Christ-centered, and clinically appropriate. Join us this Spring for an empowering look at suicide, mental illness and distress, and the role the Church …
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Broken Places, Learning to See, and The Color Blue – A Lenten Journey

Virginia Theological Seminary

Join Roger Hutchison, bestselling author and Christian educator, on a transformative Lenten journey that is sure to inspire and encourage. In his book, The Art of Calm: Spiritual Exercises for the Anxious Soul, Hutchison chronicles his personal journey following a severe mental health crisis. Roger embarks on a transformative journey that not only reignited his …
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Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre

We live in a fast-paced society with a seemingly endless list of demands. Life naturally brings its share of challenges and stress. The key is to move forward so that stress doesn’t impact other areas of your life. Stress affects us all, but why exactly do we feel it and what causes it? This Workshop …
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Manitoba Engage Difference!

Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre

Five days focused on faith, heart, mind and skills for the art of intercultural ministry. A residential program: all meals, accommodation, program activities and materials included. For more information, email ramirez@councilofchurches.ca. This is a program of the Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning, a reference group of the Canadian Council of Churches in collaboration with …
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Seeking Resurrection: A Lenten Retreat for Weary Pastors

Crieff Hills Retreat Centre

Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you. (Psalm 33:22) Be released from your schedule, nourished by beautiful food, and encouraged in your ministry.  At this retreat you will be surrounded by those who deeply understand the realities of pastoral ministry and are ready to look into the …
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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Nurturing a Community of Belonging

Credence and Co.

Recognizing that our social structures and personal biases can get in the way of commitment to respecting our colleagues and community members, this interactive workshop will engage themes of prejudice, power and privilege in a manner that honours all voices in the room while also challenging the biases and structures that privilege some over others …
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Dialogue for Peaceful Change (DPC)

Five Oaks Centre

f conflicts in your community, family or organization, concern you – this program can provide you with new skills to transform conflicts. “Participants who had said they would never work together were reconciled to working together for the good of the community. Old perceptions, rivalries, barriers, prejudices and even the sense of hopelessness were set …
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Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia and PEI

2024 VITAL CHURCH MARITIMES CONFERENCE is set for May 9 to May 11, in Truro, NS. A Zoom option will also be available. Watch for more information about our keynote speaker and special Early Bird rates. Registration opens in mid-January.

Conflict Resolution Jesus Style

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

Our current culture is fraught with conflict and tension. People often describe “walking on eggshells” or the inability to hold a respectful conversation with others. Disputes arise within communities, the workplace, families and far too often within our church congregations. Situations seem insurmountable and people become intractable. The focus of this class is to prepare …
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